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A4EU Decision Support System (DSS) for PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) organisations
SIM-CI Simulation Platform


SIM-CI provides an overview of the critical infrastructures (electricity, gas, water, telecom, internet, road, traffic networks) that will be affected by disruptive events such as floodings or a cyber-attacks.
Unnionthemove tracker

Covid-19 Symptom Tracker

This solution allows every one in the public to report their symptom anonymously on a map in realtime.
OPSIC Project

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)

OPSIC designed and developed a comprehensive operational guidance system (COMPASS) that provided an integrated single platform for practical MHPSS guidance in crisis management.
Reporting using Veegilo


Veegilo allows you to report and visualize information about disease instances and deaths from multiple sources and compare the information over specific time periods and locations.


Mesh4X is a set of libraries, services and applications that allow data to be synchronized across multiple applications, databases and files.


Set of services and clients that allow anyone to build SMS-based applications with uses that range from simple modem-based needs to countrywide deployments integrated with wireless operators.
MoreIT Logo

MoreIT - Responsible Innovation and Digital Ethics Support

Tools and services for responsible innovation and digital ethics.
Min page self explained

FRT - Field Reporting Tool

The Field Reporting Tool is a platform to collect and promptly share multimedia georeferenced information.

Rapid Mapping

DroneRapidMapping enables rapid mapping of incident/crisis area. The solution enables very fast generation of orthophoto maps based on imagery acquired by any drone (RPAS) available to rescue or crisis management actors.
Self leveling Rescue vehicle with a stretcher to be used in rough terrain

Nordic GTV (gyro terrain vehicle)

Nordic Gyro Terrain Vehicle is a small trailer designed for offroad use. It can be pulled by any mothorised off-road vehicle (ATV), including snowmobiles.
ICM Screenshot

REM Railway incident management

The REM Railway incident management by Frequentis lets both on-site and off-site staff handle railway related incidents ranging from operational incidents and technical incidents to emergency and crisis situations.
Management of a crossborder fire with various incidents and gaz diffusion plume..


The city management portal is specially designed for routine management of city operations as well as large-scale events and crisis situations.
Water levels with treshold exceedances

Emergency Mapping Tool (EMT)

Easy to use CM Solution for sharing and visualisation of the crisis management information. Faciliates comminication even in multilingual cross-organisational ad-hoc setups
GLEAMviz logo

Global Epidemic and Mobility simulator (GLEAM)

The Global Epidemic and Mobility simulator (GLEAM) is a realistic simulator of infectious disease spreading and pandemic outbreaks, based on a stochastic metapopulation model that uses real-world data about census and mobility.
Solution Platform Rumour Debunker

Rumour Debunker

The Rumor Debunker offers a solution for internet news analytics. It is developed to counteract mis- or disinformation campaigns.
Project overview: local situation awareness in real time for security forces in disaster and crisis missions.


Local situation awareness in real time for security forces in disaster and crisis missions.
Airborne Concept


Airborne Support for an Optimized Operational Command in Crisis Management
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.