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EWS main components

ML-Based Early Warning System

ML-Based Early Warning System is responsible to provide the necessary notifications (warnings and/or alerts) to the end users in case of potential outbreaks taking into consideration certain rules and patterns based on Machine Learning models. Support users in order to identify needs on material resources, while assist authorities to monitor and validate the effectiveness of policies and measures that are applied.
CHARM model

CHARM dynamiC Hospital wARd Management

dynamiC Hospital wARd Management (CHARM) is a discrete-event simulation (DES) that models dynamic reconfiguration of hospital wards for bed capacity planning facilitating continuation of normal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) operations during disease outbreaks.
The Information Protection and Secure Data Sharing Tool Architecture

Information Protection and Secure Data Sharing Blockchain Tool

An access control policy management framework implemented by capitalizing on the Blockchain technology
Proceed Laboratory interface

PROCeed Laboratory

PROCeed Laboratory supports decision makers in choosing the best solutions by simulating the consequences of decisions and events that are based on predefined cause-effect rules.
Forest Fire/Wildfire have specific requirements on the Disaster Management Solutions


Forest Fire/Wildfire management solution based on aerial multi-sensorsystem, data processing and resources management
Gare du Nord - Evacuation

SE-Star : THALES Crowd Simulation

Since 2008, inside Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Labs of THALES, a Crowd Simulation engine, called SE-Star, has been designed. It is a life simulator managing: internal variables, motivations & emotions, stimuli, personality and behaviors.
project infographic


Due to climate change, floods, wildfires and other extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense. This scenario poses a challenge for current risk management systems.
Information elements to analyse Disasters

EPISECC Inventory

The EPISECC Inventory is designed for the analysis of the management of selected past disasters with specific focus on interoperability and efficiency
System integration via Common Information Space (CIS)


Common Information Space as Enabler for Collaboration in Disaster Management

Scenario Building Tool

A dynamic tool regarding multiple hazard scenarios simulation for the training civil protection actors
Water levels with treshold exceedances

Emergency Mapping Tool (EMT)

Easy to use CM Solution for sharing and visualisation of the crisis management information. Faciliates comminication even in multilingual cross-organisational ad-hoc setups
Role of System


Zirkarta gets the right information to the right people at the right time to enable geographically dispersed people to work together to achieve a common objective during a crisis.
Project overview: local situation awareness in real time for security forces in disaster and crisis missions.


Local situation awareness in real time for security forces in disaster and crisis missions.
Airborne Concept


Airborne Support for an Optimized Operational Command in Crisis Management
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.