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vieWTerra Evolution 4D Earth Viewer, data integration and development platform

vieWTerra Evolution

vieWTerra Suite is a suite of products allowing  responders to rapidly build a virtual 4D representation (3D synthetic environment+ Time dimension) of any potential Crisis area on Earth.
3Di enables accurate flood modelling

3Di - Water Management

3Di is a cloud-based versatile water manage­ment instrument that enables flood forecas­ting and risk mapping.
STORM_Collaborative Decision-Making Dashboard_Home Page. It includes the cultural sites which are currently protected, e.g. Diocletian Baths (Rome, Italy), Rethymno historical centre (Crete, Greece), Ephesus (Anatolia, Turkey)))


STORM Dashboard provides collaborative and operative services to better act in the prevention and intervention phases of a disaster
São Paulo State Civil Defense


Sipremo does natural disaster prediction and monitoring
MDA command and control in Trial 2

MDA command and Control system

MDA C4I system allows for efficient, real time response to tasks on the field (e.g. people in need for medical assistance), by allocating the site, allocating the resources needed and available, tasking the resources and following up the acomplishment.


LifeX COP is a web-centric multi-user Solution developed by Frequentis to address the lack of a Common Operational Picture in the field of Crisis Management.
Field data collector

Field Data Collection

A data collection system which commonly involves dozens (if not hundreds) of people covering large, sometimes remote areas, gathering data about properties, owners and the environment
Emergency Management App & Platform

Emergency Management App & Platform

The s/w to support anyone in a coordinating or management role during an event, incident, emergency, crisis or disaster.
IP-MESH and Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

IP-MESH Networks | MANet Solutions

As a company independent of any manufacturer, one of our core competencies is to identify technology trends and to evaluate and define innovative products and so­ lutions.
MoreIT Logo

MoreIT - Responsible Innovation and Digital Ethics Support

Tools and services for responsible innovation and digital ethics.
ICM Screenshot

REM Railway incident management

The REM Railway incident management by Frequentis lets both on-site and off-site staff handle railway related incidents ranging from operational incidents and technical incidents to emergency and crisis situations.


IO-DA solution enhances situation assesment by providing different modelers.
Crisis response checklist


CrisisHub is a web-based crisis and capacity/resource management tool designed to assist (teams of) strategic advisors before and during a crisis
Solution Platform Rumour Debunker

Rumour Debunker

The Rumor Debunker offers a solution for internet news analytics. It is developed to counteract mis- or disinformation campaigns.
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.