Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Methodological Lessons Learned are listed below.
A service oriented architecture for decision support systems in environmental crisis management

First, although standards do exist, real world spatial data is usually not compliant, nor is it offered through open network interfaces. Second, QoS requirements that are of critical importance to this application domain either cannot be implemented, or, even worse, are rarely a consideration. Third, added-value services such as operational logistics and environmental modeling remain isolated to their originating scientific communities, such as Computational Fluid Dynamics and Operational Research, and only lately begin to be considered as services that can be integrated in such systems.

Striving to be resilient: What concepts, approaches and practices should be incorporated in resilience management guidelines?

Results are generalizable because a broad group of experts were included (different domains and different fields)Limitation – only two cycles were conductedDue to the generic and abstract nature of some of the concepts, approaches and practices we suggest that future work should involve additional concretization of the concepts and practices as input to the further development of resilience management guidelines.

Expanding the use of simulation in open vascular surgical training

For trianing define skills specific KPI’sMeasure improvement over time over these KPI’s

A virtual reality based fire training simulator integrated with fire dynamics data

The frame rate is the main indicator for real-time performance of a visualization system; however, it often can vary depending on the number and size of visible objects.Users can experience pre-simulated fire phenomena caused by heat transfer or ventilation facilities from different viewing angles in real-time, but cannot interact with fire or smoke directly by means of user inputs such as extinguishing the fire. This is an important limitation for a training application.

Prepositioning of supplies in preparation for a hurricane under potential destruction of prepositioned supplies

Limitation of the model are described (p31) e.g. a realistic case study that incorporates a simulation model would be a useful future research project

Decision support system for emergency management: Road tunnels

Decision making was based on current contingency plans for Spanish tunnels. Future developments of the system will encompass application to more complex tunnels and situations.

A continuous approximation approach for assessment routing in disaster relief

While a simplified setting is used to illustrate the analysis, the ideas presented can be adapted for service regions of different dimensions, different locations of the depot and non-constant demand densities.

A nature-inspired decentralized trust model to reduce information unreliability in complex disaster relief operations

interesting model to enhance reliable information disseminationlot of simulation were conducted in order to test the performance, effectiveness, efficiency and robustness of the trust systemonly one rope rescue exercise was carried out in normal conditions therefore  at this moment it is difficult to provide an exact measure of the scalability of the system

Towards a Lightweight Approach for On-site Interaction Evaluation of Safety-critical Mobile Systems

Rohrer (2014) presents a 3-dimensional framework for the systematic selection of UX research methods. Within this framework, several UX research methods are classified into three dimensions:Behavioral (what people do) vs. Attitudinal (what people say)Qualitative (why or how to fix) vs. Quantitative (how many and how much)Usage context (natural or near-natural use of the product, scripted use of the product, not using the product during the study, a hybrid of the others)

Modeling and simulation method of the emergency response systems based on OODA

‘In the future work, it is necessary to adopt the emergency response mechanism based on OODA loop to develop a set of software systems so as to command and control the emergency disaster response more valid and more powerful.’ (p. 539) (?)

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.