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The scenario enabled psychological first aid (PFA) training comprises knowledge on what PFA is, guidelines on how to perform PFA and an experiential training package to.

Incorporating the World Health Organization’s Look Listen Link principles for PFA, the tools in this are a) Introduction to Psychological First Aid in booklet form, b) Guidelines on caring for staff and volunteers after crises, c) Position paper for policy makers and d), a 1-day training package on PFA for first responders and another 1-day training for team leaders and managers on PFA for volunteers and management of sponteneaous volunteers.

The trainings make use of experiential learning, and trainees practice through role plays, consideration of various situations. All trainings use case stories and scenarios. The scenarios are scripted and can be realised by actors or digital solutions such as XVR. The materials are developed by the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies’ Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support. They address the needs of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and other humanitarian and volunteer-based crisis response organizations to build the capacity for providing PFA to people affected by crisis and to care for staff and volunteers after crises. Materials build on the extensive experience and practice of the Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers globally, are research based, and encompass international guidelines and standards.

Supported Use Cases

1 day training in PFA for first responders/spontaneaous volunteers

This one day training on Psychological First Aid (PFA) for first responders and spontaneous volunteers equips the trainees with the basic knowledge, competencies, and confidence to deliver quality PFA to persons acutely affected in a crisis situation.

Core compenents of the training include:

1: Knowledge on the Look, Listen, Link principles for quality PFA

2: Session to practice the Look principle: After the session the participant will know how to first ensure one’s own and others safety, to assess who needs help, to check for physical injuries and emotional reactions, and then start to find more information on what has happened and assess immediate basic and practical needs.

3: Session to practice the Listen principle: After the session the participants will understand how to introduce themselves, how to calm down a person in distress and how to practice active listening and asking useful questions

4: Session to practice the Link principle: The participants will learn how to tackle the identified practical needs and link the affected people to relevant support, information and services

5: Bringing it all together: In the roleplay a scenario where participants react and interact in way that help them practice combining all the LOOK, LISTEN LINK skills.

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1 day training in PFA for team leaders and managers on sponteneaous volunteers

Innovative curriculum combining skills for psychological first aid with leadership skills for team leaders in organisations engaging with spontaneous volunteers, including 

1: a refresher on the PFA "Look, Listen, Link" principles

2: skills and tools to care for volunteers

3: sessions on power relations/management dynamics and skills for addressing in a positive way the specific issues that arise when well trained and organizationally structured managers work with the untrained/ not part of an organisation

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eu Le site web Portfolio of Solutions a été initialement développé dans le cadre du projet DRIVER+. Aujourd'hui, le service est géré par AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, au profit de l'European Crisis Management. Le PoS est approuvé et soutenu par le Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) ainsi que par les projets STAMINA et TeamAware H2020.