As an alternative to searching directly for solutions, you can also search for CM gaps and find out which solutions address the gaps you are interested in.

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a stack of paper


Surveda allows for the collection of survey data from populations via mobile phone by text message, voice call, mobile web and more. Surveda can reach people across different mobile usage styles, languages, demographics and makes it possible to get country representative info at a scale of millions. Additionally, target your survey to collect data among specific age or gender groupings. Surveda allows for the same survey to go out in multiple different ways with all results being aggregated on one data dashboard.
a fitness center


A web-based software to estimate the energy expenditure and energy system contributions during the exercise using the measurement of oxygen uptake and the blood lactate accumulation
a red sign on a brick wall that leads the way to "accident & emergency"


This toolkit is an online resource to help you develop exercise evaluation forms for your disaster exercise. Public health and healthcare agencies will find this database helpful in developing exercise evaluation forms for the optimal evaluation of their preparedness exercises.
Logo of CDEM Capability Assessment Tool

CDEM Capability Assessment Tool

The tool consists of a set of key performance indicators and performance measures (‘capability criteria’) against which organizations can assess themselves or be externally assessed. Indicators span the 4Rs and are organized in a framework based on the National CDEM Strategy. There are six main sections - four based on the four goals of the National CDEM Strategy, and two 'enabler' sections.
a picture of a part of the front page of the handbook of evaluation of exercises

HANDBOOK Evaluation of Exercises

This handbook is produced as a tool for the evaluation of the Barents Rescue exercise in Sweden in September 2011.
a network of data points


KoBoToolbox was founded in 2005 by Phuong Pham and Patrick Vinck. In 2013, with funding from USAID, UNOCHA and IRC partnered with KoBoToolbox to take the existing tool and transform it into a comprehensive platform for humanitarian data collection. The resulting platform was launched in 2014 as a free tool with unlimited data collection and storage for humanitarian actors.
Logo of the World Health Organization

WHO simulation exercise manual

WHO simulation exercise manual: a practical guide and tool for planning, conducting and evaluating simulation exercises for outbreaks and public health emergency preparedness and response
DMHT Architecture

Data Management & Harmonization Tool (DMHT)

DMHT is a technological platform for aggregating heterogeneous, mostly curated, and structured anonymized historical health and other relevant data sets and their annotations from health stakeholders, as well as open data sets.


Seentags accepts incoming text messages and breaks the contents up into categories, without requiring you to tell the system in advance what your categories ar
São Paulo State Civil Defense


Sipremo does natural disaster prediction and monitoring
WSMA pipeline

Web and Social Media Analytics (WSMA)

Tool for crawling, monitoring and processing of web and social media content and users activity
Socrates OC UI


SOCRATES OC enhances analysis and decision-making capabilities by means of an improved shared situational awareness based on relevant information about the operational situation including crisis events, missions and resources.


Using the know-how and expertise acquired during the development of the CECIS tool, the PROTECT application is a web-based alert and notification system for emergency (and early warnings) situations concerning civil protection.

Preparedness Pandemic Training tool (PPT)

This is a scenario builder tool, in which a trainer is able to create simple or complex training scenarios and execute them in order to perform exercises
CAE GESI-SiTA Classroom setup

CAE GESI-SiTA Classroom Trainer

The CAE GESI-SiTA classroom trainer offers a unique foundation to experience and learn tactical basics at a new level of detail and interactivity.
XVR Crisis Media in use in an emergency management exercise

XVR Crisis Media

With XVR Crisis Media you can train how to manage and monitor communication from news media, social media and internal communication sources in a crisis situation.
AIR Worldwide

AIR's Life and Health Models

AIR models help to anticipate the drivers of mortality and morbidity risk to facilitate optimal risk management, risk transfer, and risk mitigation decisions that align with organisation's strategic goals.
Smart Wearable Sensor Device - SmarKo

SmarKo Wearable Monitoring Tool

SmarKo, a smart wearble sensor device, that enables remote real time monitoring of health, environmental and physical activity data as well as geolocation and can transmit the measurement data to a mobile app.
EWS main components

ML-Based Early Warning System

ML-Based Early Warning System is responsible to provide the necessary notifications (warnings and/or alerts) to the end users in case of potential outbreaks taking into consideration certain rules and patterns based on Machine Learning models. Support users in order to identify needs on material resources, while assist authorities to monitor and validate the effectiveness of policies and measures that are applied.
Portable PCR device for on site detection of pathogens

ESBL detect

Portable PCR device for on site detection of bacteria
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.