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With XVR Crisis Media you can train how to manage and monitor communication from news media, social media and internal communication sources in a crisis situation.

Participants can vary from incident commanders to teams and will be faced with a flow of information and communication injects through the simulation of realistic communication media.

Instructors and staff can prepare numerous types of fictive, controlled communication channels (e.g. a news channel or news paper, social media channels, e-mail, chat applications and systems) and make them look like the channels in the real world (e.g. CM social media looks like the real social media). These media can be prefilled with messages, images, videos and files available at the start of the and with content that becomes available to participants during the exercise. With a simple unhide action, or by starting advanced storyline events, these instructors control duriong the exercise when this information becomes available. Of course, instructors and role-players can also add new messages and visualsduring the conduct of the exercise. Furthermore, exercise staff have full control over the advancement of time during the exercise (e.g. pause or fast-forward).

Instructors set which participants have access to which media. Thereby simulating a difference in information positions between participants (e.g. Police has more information available only to them). Using these media, participants should anaylse the information available to them and use these channels to communicate with each other and to the outside world.

Supported Use Cases

Simulate news spreading through different channels

Instructors and staff can prepare numerous types of fictive, controlled communication channels (e.g. a news channel or news paper, social media channels, e-mail, chat applications and management systems) and make them look like the channels in the real world (e.g. CM social media looks like the real social media). These media can be prefilled with messages, images, videos and files available at the start of the and with content that becomes available to participants during the exercise.

With a simple unhide action, or by starting advanced storyline events, these instructors control during the exercise when this information becomes available. Of course, instructors and role-players can also add new messages and visuals during the conduct of the exercise. Furthermore, exercise staff have full control over the advancement of time during the exercise (e.g. pause or fast-forward).

Related CM functions

Train decision making and communication based on available information

XVR media can simulate the information flow through different channels in an . The participants can be trained to critically assess the information available to them, communicate with other stakeholders and make decisions based on this information.

The is realistic in a sense that different information channels can be made available to different user groups. E.g., the police might have access to some information that is not easily available to other participants. Morerover, part of the information can be irrelevant or even misleading.

Related CM functions

XVR Crisis Media in use in an emergency management exercise
Video illustrations
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.