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vieWTerra Evolution 4D Earth Viewer, data integration and development platform

vieWTerra Evolution

vieWTerra Suite is a suite of products allowing  responders to rapidly build a virtual 4D representation (3D synthetic environment+ Time dimension) of any potential Crisis area on Earth.
3Di enables accurate flood modelling

3Di - Water Management

3Di is a cloud-based versatile water manage­ment instrument that enables flood forecas­ting and risk mapping.
facs UI

FACS - Flu And Coronavirus Simulator

Agent based modelling tool to simulate spread of flu and coronavirus in a local region
A room full of chairs and desks that can be observed through a mirrored glass window

Observer Support Tool

The observer support tool records all observations from the observers digitally, so they can be analyzed during and after the trial. To collect feedback, the OST also provides the ability for participants and trial staff to fill in questionnaires, directly after (a part/episode of) the trial is executed.
Logo of Technical Testbed Infrastructure

Technical Testbed infrastructure

Technical testbed combines tools and data to quickly setup an environment for testing new solutions in the crisis domain, either standalone or in collaborative trials and experiments.
a red sign on a brick wall that leads the way to "accident & emergency"


This toolkit is an online resource to help you develop exercise evaluation forms for your disaster exercise. Public health and healthcare agencies will find this database helpful in developing exercise evaluation forms for the optimal evaluation of their preparedness exercises.
GLEAMviz logo

Global Epidemic and Mobility simulator (GLEAM)

The Global Epidemic and Mobility simulator (GLEAM) is a realistic simulator of infectious disease spreading and pandemic outbreaks, based on a stochastic metapopulation model that uses real-world data about census and mobility.
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.