This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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The main objective of CrisisSuite (online crisis management software) is to enable organisations to successfully manage information during a crisis.

CrisisSuite is a that supports the netcentric working methods of crisis teams by creating an universal picture of the crisis and share it horizontally and vertically with all the other teams in the crisis . CrisisSuite also assists in maintaining an effective crisis meeting structure and it decreases the administrative workload for the people managing the crisis

Supported Use Cases

Logging information - All relevant information will be stored in interactive logbooks

By storing all relevant information in a logbook, the decision makers in the can retrieve what they to know in order to make the right decision.

The logbook offers the possibility to divide information into specific categories, whereby a distinction is made between information, , decisions and actions. This provides a clear overview of all information. CrisisSuite also offers the possibility to use advanced filters, so that all relevant information can be found easily.

Related CM functions

Send out actions through the chain of command

Actions can automatically be sent down the chain of command to the people responsible for executing them. In a similar fashion, people in the field can send pictures of the situation on the ground to higher up in the chain of command.

These actions are assigned to specific team or individual and these individuals receive a notification via the CrisisSuite app, they can also respond to the action via the app.

Related CM functions

Create and sustain a common operational picture

Information from various sources can be sent into CrisisSuite to build a common geographical and textual picture of the situation.

This means that all stakeholders can send their relevant information through CrisisSuite to build one common operational picture(COP).This COP makes sure that all the stakeholders will have access to the same information at the same time and most important, all stakeholders base their decision making on the same information.

This common operational picture can also be viewed and adjusted ‘on the go’ through the CrisisSuite App. 

For spatial data, CrisisSuite offers the functionality to share certain points, coordinates, areas and any drawings on a map with other stakeholders. For example, an evacuation route can be shared or a collapsed building can be indicated.

This mapping functionality also enables geo data from other applications to be displayed in CrisisSuite. During the final demo, for example, geo data was automatically imported from other crisis manager solutions, so that all relevant information was available in one place.

Related CM functions

Create situation reports (sitreps)

CrisisSuite also offers the functionality to generate clear situation reports in a simple way.

These sitreps can be predefined in a certain format. The sitreps are generated from a pre-defined questionnaire or from the logbook; By selecting the relevant entries from the logbook CrisisSuite, any team can disseminate their part of the COP with the relevant parties inside or outside of the by sharing a situation report.

Related CM functions

Plans and task cards

CrisisSuite also offers the possibility to add all plans, task cards and other documents to the system. These plans can then be consulted through the CrisisSuite App.

These plans can be subdivided into smaller parts and then assigned to the people for whom these parts of the plans are relevant

Related CM functions

Trial 4
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.