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Evacuation & Repatriation Management Platform

Evacuation and Repatriation Management Platform (EMP)
Trial 4


The main objective of CrisisSuite (online crisis management software) is to enable organisations to successfully manage information during a crisis.
eHealthPass International Patient Summary


eHealthPass is a patient-cantered solution that allows patients to securely carry and manage their complete medical information via their phone. At a time of crisis, it provides the HealthCare professionals with timely access to vital patients' medical in
STORM_Collaborative Decision-Making Dashboard_Home Page. It includes the cultural sites which are currently protected, e.g. Diocletian Baths (Rome, Italy), Rethymno historical centre (Crete, Greece), Ephesus (Anatolia, Turkey)))


STORM Dashboard provides collaborative and operative services to better act in the prevention and intervention phases of a disaster
Container Based mobile laboratory

European Mobile Laboratory Inventory Database

European Mobile Laboratory Inventory Database
Flee logo

Flee - Predictive Modelling Tool

Flee is an agent-based modelling code used to model (forced) migration and other movements across country borders.
Illustration missing (from


A4EU Decision Support System (DSS) for PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) organisations
Medical Assessment


The aim of the electronic Personal Health Record (e-PHR) and its platform is to enhance knowledge amongst stakeholders about refugees’ and migrants’ health needs
Intelsafe mobile app


An app and website for health workers to learn how to stay safe while on the job.
Covid monitoring

Covid-19 Monitoring

Cloud-based application for monitoring people during self-isolation with probable or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
Covid monitoring with validic solution


For employers and healthcare organizations to monitor employees, patients, and other individuals
GetWell Loop

GetWell Loop

Engage all patients across their care journey through automated virtual check-ins.


HealthBeats is a global Remote Vitals Monitoring platform designed to bring healthcare to home. Users take their vitals measurement with results transmitted real-time to care providers.
European and Global Flood Awareness System

Copernicus Emergency Management Service

The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (Copernicus EMS) provides all actors involved in the management of natural disasters, man-made emergency situations, and humanitarian crises with timely and accurate geo-spatial information derived from satellit
Drought map

Copernicus Drought Observatory

The EMS Drought Observatory (DO) provides drought-relevant information and early-warnings for Europe (EDO) and the globe (GDO). Short analytical reports (Drought News) are published in case of imminent droughts.


Allow healthcare data to be shared and monitored across diagnostic services and health facilities
WelTel Virtual Tool


WelTel is a secure, web-based, communication platform that uses SMS for maximum reach and voice or video outreach when appropriate for integrated virtual care & patient engagement.
Emergency Management App & Platform

Emergency Management App & Platform

The s/w to support anyone in a coordinating or management role during an event, incident, emergency, crisis or disaster.
Self leveling Rescue vehicle with a stretcher to be used in rough terrain

Nordic GTV (gyro terrain vehicle)

Nordic Gyro Terrain Vehicle is a small trailer designed for offroad use. It can be pulled by any mothorised off-road vehicle (ATV), including snowmobiles.
Crisis response checklist


CrisisHub is a web-based crisis and capacity/resource management tool designed to assist (teams of) strategic advisors before and during a crisis
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.