- Capability development
- Establish a CM lessons learning system
- Develop after-action and lessons learned reporting
Develop after-action and reporting system and procedures, i.e.:
a. Develop and after-action reporting procedures
b. Establish lessons-learning database and analysis capacity and develop a collaborative platform to support new tools like situation reports, guidelines, task sheets and checklists, scenarios, etc.
c. Adapt post- reviews to feed a lessons-learned information system
d. Provide interagency of personnel on after-action reports analysis and drafting lessons learned
e. Establish procedures for implementation of lessons learned
- Provide cross-border learning
Provide opportunities for cross-border learning
- Establish international evaluation of CM experience and lessons learning
Establish a mechanism for international of CM experience and lessons learning
- Provide international CM education and training
Provide opportunities for international CM education and
- Establish international evaluation of CM experience and lessons learning
- Develop after-action and lessons learned reporting
- Establish CM doctrine and train organisations and people
- Certify personnel, training and education
Certify management personnel, centres, and educational institutions
- Coordinate and conduct research and education
Coordinate and conduct research and education, i.e.:
a. Organise hazard and CM studies and develop modelling and simulation capacity to understand data flows, bottlenecks, integration and issues
b. Establish hazards and CM discipline and a research and education network
- Develop doctrine
Develop, approve and disseminate among all stakeholders a Management doctrine
- Train individuals, teams and organisations
- Conduct CM exercises
Conduct exercises/drills of sufficient intensity to challenge the CM system
- Develop and conduct all-hazards training
Develop and conduct national, regional, and local to improve all-hazards CM capacity
- Develop hazard-specific simulations and conduct Computer Assisted Exercises
Develop hazard-specific simulations and conduct table-top and computer and simulations assisted exercises and drills
- Provide training for interoperability between organisations and command levels
Provide instructions and national and international for achieving between different organisations and CM command levels
- Conduct CM exercises
- Train resilient communities
Train resilient communities, incl. for provision of MHPSS
- Certify personnel, training and education
- Manage CM system of systems development
- Develop awareness and decision support systems
- Access, integrate and display images and video from the incident scene
Access, integrate and display images and video from the incident scene (for the on-scene responder and incident command)
- Define in real time the location of responders and their proximity to risks and hazards
Define the location of responders (including latitude, longitude and altitude/ depth) and their proximity to risks and hazards in real time (indoors and outdoors)
- Detect, monitor and analyse passive and active threats and hazards at incident scenes
Detect, monitor and analyse passive and active threats and hazards at incident scenes in real time; generate incident-specific maps tied to GIS coordinates for indoor and outdoor locations on the incident scene
- Develop and evaluate alternative courses of action
Develop and evaluate alternative courses of action
- Evaluate responders’ performance and outcomes
Evaluate responders’ performance and outcomes
- Identify hazardous agents and contaminants, incl. CBRN
Rapidly identify hazardous agents and contaminants on the incident scene, incl. CBRN
- Identify secondary incidents and effects during response and project consequences
Identify secondary incidents and effects during operations (e.g. after-effects and devices) and project their consequences
- Identify suitable sites for staging, command posts and ingress/ egress routes
Identify suitable sites for staging, establishing command posts and suitable ingress/ egress routes
- Maintain a high-level view of the incident scene
Obtain and maintain a high-level (bird’s-eye) view of the incident scene
- Merge disparate data and non-traditional sources in real time
Merge disparate data and non-traditional (incl. crowdsourcing and social media) sources in real time (e.g. known hazards, building blueprints, ownership records) to support situational awareness
- Provide tracing and backtracking
Contact tracing (also known as partner notification) is a primary means of controlling infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Contact tracing has also played an important role in controlling the COVID-19 spread. Backtracing is similar to contact tracing, but concentrates on tracing back the movements of infected persons. Similar functionality may be required in other types of , e.g. terrorism, or massive public disorder.
- Access, integrate and display images and video from the incident scene
- Develop integrated warning and alerting
- Build broadcast, cable, and satellite based messaging capability
Build message dissemination utilising broadcast, cable, satellite, and wireline services
- Build messaging to mobile devices capability
Build message dissemination to broadcast to mobile devices
- Create radio-based weather information network
Create and maintain radio-based weather information network
- Organise Internet-based emergency messaging
Organise a system for Internet-based messaging
- Perform tests to assess warning systems' reliability
Perform tests to assess the warning systems’ reliability, incl.:
a. Technical reliability of the systems’ components
b. Inherited system reliability
c. The reliability of networks of detection and warning systems (fire, weather, air pollution, temperature, earthquake, tsunami, tornado, and others)
- Build broadcast, cable, and satellite based messaging capability
- Develop the C3 system
Develop the command, control, and coordination system (presented in detail in Common Functional Area 'C3')
- Develop the communications and information management system
Develop the communications and information management system (presented in detail in Common Functional Area "Crisis communications and Infor_mation Management")
- Establish a crisis logistics management system
Establish logistics management system (presented in detail in Common Functional Area "Logistics")
- Establish a solid waste collection system
Establish a solid waste collection system (see also Operational Functional Area " ")
- Establish resource management and mutual aid system
Establish resource management and mutual aid system, including:
a. Build decision support information for collecting, updating, and processing data, and tracking resources
b. Define acquisition/ procurement procedures
c. Establish a system for provision of mutual aid between different levels of command and management.
d. Determine flow of requests and responds at national (interagency), regional, and local levels
- Manage equipment and infrastructure acquisition
Manage the CM equipment and infrastructure acquisition, including performance of the following tasks:
a. Determine required capabilities
b. Establish requirements/ standards
c. Determine the key equipment life cycle
d. Establish equipment certification procedures
e. Regulate centralised/ decentralised acquisition procedures
f. Manage acquisition contracts
g. Manage the equipment lifecycle
h. Enhance the of supply chains
- Manage the system of reserves
Manage the system of and reserves and stockpiles
- Develop awareness and decision support systems
- Manage human resources
- Manage organised and spontaneous volunteers
- Conduct needs analysis
Conduct needs analysis; assure adequate legislation for the use of volunteers
- Establish organisation for spontaneous volunteers
Establish to identify and register spontaneous volunteers and to assign them to teams and coordinators
- Maintain registers of volunteers
Create and maintain current registers of volunteers, their competencies and tasking
- Prepare for crowd tasking
Prepare for crowd tasking, i.e. tasking spontaneous volunteers
- Select, organise, train, and motivate the volunteers
Select, organise, train, and motivate the volunteers; provide for allocation of responsibilities among relevant governmental and non-governmental organisations
- Task volunteers
Provide preliminary tasking to organised volunteers across scenarios
- Conduct needs analysis
- Manage professional responders
Manage career models and professional responders, i.e.:
a. Conduct general, regional, and local needs analysis
b. Establish a framework of competencies and behavioural indicators
c. Establish a CM profession with career paths and job requirements
d. Select, organise, train, certify and motivate the professional responders
e. Assure that CM leaders are knowledgeable, competent, and well supported
- Manage organised and spontaneous volunteers
- Organise for crisis management
- Define minimum activation requirements
Define a set of minimum activation requirements for situations at different levels of command and management
- Establish an integrated CM organisation
Establish an integrated for management, i.e.:
a. Establish a framework of authority at central, regional, and local level
b. Achieve consensus on the overall CM process
c. Establish legal lines of authority, duties, and responsibilities
d. Establish CM HQ, supporting centres, and local command structures
- Establish CM rules and standard operating procedures
Establish rules and standard operating procedures for management, i.e.:
a. Draft, coordinate, and approve CM legal acts
b. Define critical pre-crisis, , and procedures for different levels of command and management
c. Prepare, approve and communicate to all stakeholders SOPs for each hazard
d. Establish hazards' information and data requirements and rules for their collection and sharing
- Establish protocols for cross-border emergencies
Prepare and agree in the relevant international format on protocols for cross-border emergencies
- Identify and analyse bottlenecks
Identify key resource constraints and potential bottlenecks in decision-making and provision of resources and analyse their potential impact
- Define minimum activation requirements
- Plan for CM capabilities
- Assess current capabilities
Collect and organise the information on current management capabilities and assess their adequacy vis-a-vis the set of scenarios
- Coordinate and approve capability development plans
Coordinate planning processes and key resource allocation decisions among main contributing agencies; Approve development plans
- Define capability options
Generate and compare various options to meet requirements, e.g. upgrade existing or procure new equipment; introduce new standards; invest in specialised or general-purpose CM units; maintain in-house or outsource the , etc.
- Define required CM capabilities
Define required management CM capabilities, i.e.:
a. Develop a CM concept of operations
b. Formulate and coordinate a national generic CM task list
c. Conduct mission-to-task analysis
d. Define key clusters
e. Set-up goals
- Determine future crises' scenarios and key characteristics
Determine key characteristics of future crises (type, scope, intensity, dynamics, complexity, impact, etc.), elaborate and analyse respective scenarios and select a set of scenarios to be used in the planning process
- Establish a CM policy framework
Establish a management policy framework, i.e.:
a. Formulate and approve CM policy framework in terms of objectives, tasks, and responsibilities
b. Conduct high-level cost-benefit analysis of the CM options, e.g., is it cheaper to reduce a vulnerability or to replace infrastructure and equipment; balance of investments in , protection, and , etc.
c. Define priorities
d. Make the policy framework available to all CM stakeholders
- Identify gaps and redundancies
Compare required and current capabilities; Identify gaps and redundant capabilities
- Promote standards for assessment of hazards and interoperability
Promote standards to provide for commonality of hazards’ and , e.g. common standards of fuel characterisation in regions prone to wildfires, data exchange formats, map symbols, etc.
- Test the capability options
Test the options against resource constrains and CM priorities
- Assess current capabilities
- Establish a CM lessons learning system
- Command, control, and coordination
- Build and maintain the C3 system
- Design, test, and validate the C3 system
Design, test, and validate the C3 system by components and in its entirety, i.e.:
a. Establish C3 system for each participating agency
b. Determine the levels of command and establish C3 system for each command level, e.g. operational, local, regional, and national (central)
c. Provide doctrinal and technical and integrate agencies’ and authorities’ levels of command and management
- Establish C3 information systems
Establish C3 information systems and information system management
- Establish C3 procedures
Establish C3 procedures at all levels of command and management
- Maintain integrity of the C3 system
Maintain the integrity of the system for command, control, and coordination
- Prepare C3 personnel
Select, train and certify C3 personnel
- Provide equipment, software, codes
Provide required equipment, software, codes, etc.
- Provide fixed and mobile command facilities
Provide fixed and mobile (field, deployable) command infrastructure, equipment, software, personnel, , etc.
- Design, test, and validate the C3 system
- Establish the command component
- Define the CM chain of command
Define the CM chain of command, i.e.:
a. Establish C3 at central, regional, and local levels
b. Define authority and responsibilities at each level
c. Define a framework and rules of delegating authority
d. Define procedures and provide guidelines for incident, , and command and management
e. Provide command integrity while transitioning from incident toward and
- Establish decision-making environment and resources
Establish CM relevant decision-making environment and dedicate resources
- Define the CM chain of command
- Establish the control component
- Design a control system
Design a control system along the chain of command, i.e.:
a. Define the control tasks for decision-making, operations and resource planning, and implementation feedback
b. Determine rules of control within each level and across all levels of command
c. Establish planning and decision-preparing procedures for environment
d. Formulate execution information (decisions, directives, orders, commands) and provide templates for each level of command
e. Provide integrity while transitioning from incident toward and
- Determine the principles of information exchange
Determine the principles of exchange of CM information among agencies and levels of authority
- Establish control capability at each command level
Establish control at each level of command including information, communications, and (personnel)
- Establish rules for reporting
Establish rules for reporting on results and performance
- Provide scientific and technical advice
Provide in-house scientific and technical advice and ready access to external expertise
- Design a control system
- Establish the coordination component
- Establish coordination in transition from response to recovery
Establish coordination task group to manage the transition from to
- Establish coordination with media
Establish coordination teams and common rules for media relations and communicating with the public
- Establish coordination with societal, private and international organisations
Establish mechanisms for coordination with organisations, the private sector, and international organisations
- Establish internal coordination
Establish mechanisms for internal coordination:
a. Between various ministries, agencies or policy sectors (horizontal)
b. Between parent ministry and subordinate agencies/bodies in the same sector (vertical)
- Establish professional coordination
Establish professional coordination based on templates and permanent CM /staff
- Establish transborder coordination
Establish coordination in to a (potential) transborder
- Establish coordination in transition from response to recovery
- Exploit the C3 system
- C3 delivery of critical support assets
Command, control, and coordinate delivery of critical support assets (transport, UAVs/drones, specialised aircrafts, satellite imagery, international information, etc.)
- C3 SAR and first responders' operations
Command, control, and coordinate Search and Rescue and first responders' operations
- C3 volunteers' operations
Command, control, and coordinate volunteers' actions and operations
- Deliver public information and advice
Deliver public information, guidance, instructions and advice
- Establish ad-hoc task groups
Establish ad-hoc groups with tasking to manage specific problems
- Maintain science and technology advisory capacity
Maintain permanent capacity to provide scientific and technology advice to decision-makers and planners
- Manage and support international responders
Manage and support the international responders' actions and operations
- Manage resources to cope with priority tasks
Manage materiel and other resources to support the performance of priority tasks
- Monitor the affected area
Establish comprehensive monitoring of the affected area, people, critical infrastructure and assets, and vital functions, including use of data from various sources to monitor the affected area comprehensively, enhance the situational awareness, and facilitate decision support
- Provide continuous deliberate planning
Provide continuous deliberate planning according to set priorities
- Provide orientation of decision-makers
Provide orientation of the decision-makers, proposing courses of action, priorities, resource allocation and other immediate measures
- Provide situational awareness, share COP
Provide situational awareness across the chain of command, collecting operational information, continuously assessing risks and threats, and building and sharing a Common Operational Picture (COP), incl.:
a. Exchange -related information among organisations to contribute to situational awareness
b. Integrate data from various sources and models to improve the COP and situational awareness
c. Provide fusion of historical, real-time data and outputs of validated models, coming in various formats, to improve the managers' situational awareness
- Provide warning and alerts for secondary hazards
Continue to provide public and institutional warning and alerting for secondary hazards, collateral threats and related developments
- Take and disseminate decisions
Take, communicate, and disseminate decisions, directives, commands and instructions
- Task responders
Provide tasking to all responders
- C3 delivery of critical support assets
- Build and maintain the C3 system
- Crisis Communications and Information Management
- Conduct and coordinate communications and information planning
- Activate an interagency CCIM team
Organise/activate an inter-agency communications and information management team to set up mechanisms for collecting, analysing, producing, and disseminating crisis information
- Develop communications policy, plans and procedures
Develop communications policy, plans and procedures to support government agencies, local authorities, private and organisations, i.e.:
a. Make and maintain an of the communications and information environment
b. Define each actor's communications and information management responsibilities and authority in the CM chain of command
c. Clarify the target audience
d. Develop implementation packages (audience, information, channels, tools, timeframe) and determine responsibilities
e. Monitor, obtain institutional and public feedback and adjust as necessary
f. Establish the ground for international cooperation in communications and information management
g. Establish consultations and coordination among stakeholders in the development of communications policy, plans and procedures to facilitate the exchange of relevant information before and during a crisis
- Develop cybersecurity policy, plans and procedures
Develop cybersecurity policy, plans and procedures to secure the functioning of CM networks based on an all-hazards approach, i.e.:
a. Define the cybersecurity's place in the management system
b. Perform all-hazard inter-agency cyber
c. Identify expertise and capabilities at the sub-government levels of CM, private actors, including operators of digital infrastructure, and volunteers
d. Place the cyber security decision-making within the overall CM multijurisdictional decision-making process
e. Determine which organisations to involve and the roles they will play in protection, and operations
- Establish relationships between CM authorities and media
Establish (renew) relationships between management authorities (teams) and media, i.e.:
a. Coordinate the format of deliverable information
b. Coordinate the work of media staff within the affected area (rules of engagement and support from the CM agencies)
- Maintain a record of planning and decisions
Maintain a record of the planning process and decisions to facilitate the of operations
- Manage the frequency spectrum in a crisis
Establish norms and mechanism of national frequency spectrum management for situations
- Manage visibility in media
Manage the production, use and dissemination of visual materials via Internet, social networks, TV, and newspapers for the management operations, agencies and organisations
- Activate an interagency CCIM team
- Continuously improve CCIM
- Establish equipment and training standards
Establish and enforce the implementation of equipment and standards
- Implement training programmes for CCIM
Develop and implement programmes for (protection, , and relief) communications and information management, i.e.:
a. Develop and conduct exercises to test the knowledge and skills of individuals and organisational and capabilities for using crisis communications and information
b. Conduct exercises to test the , reliability and cybersecurity of the communications equipment and software
c. Conduct crisis exercises to assess readiness
d. Conduct multinational, national, regional, and local exercises
- Establish equipment and training standards
- Create CCIM networks
- Build CCIM components and functionalities
Define, build, and maintain the communications and information management system's components and functionalities
- Establish all-hazards database
Establish all-hazards CM database and regulate the access to it
- Integrate decision support
Integrate CM decision support systems and tools, incl.:
a. Incorporate into the decision support system(s) the outputs – status and forecasts – of the spread of hazards and their impact
b. Integrate into the decision support system(s) the of cross-domain vulnerabilities and their impact
c. Combine data from various sources and models’ output to provide decision support to managers and commanders
- Manage data
Manage access to data, data processing and distribution
- Provide for crowd sourcing
Create opportunities for application of relevant modes of crowd sourcing; disseminate the information on such opportunities
- Establish all-hazards database
- Establish crisis communications capabilities
Establish and maintain communications capabilities, incl.:
a. Define the communications and information requirements for central authorities, first responders, regional and local authorities, organisations and private entities
b. Secure interoperable communications with responders, authorities and stakeholders in any environmental conditions through standards and coordination of acquisition
c. Provide to obtain critical information remotely about the extent, perimeter, or interior of the incident
d. Establish coordination with corporate communications systems and assets
- Establish emergency call services
Establish call services; disseminate information and guidance on the use of such services
- Establish information management capabilities
Establish and maintain information management capabilities
- Ascertain the quality of data
Check and ascertain the relevance and the quality of data
- Define information management procedures
Define and coordinate information management procedures among stakeholders to facilitate the exchange of related information
- Determine reporting flows
Describe and approve reporting flows and provide guidance to CM actors
- Identify information needs of stakeholders
Identify and analyse the information needs of management stakeholders
- Integrate data collection tools
Design and integrate tools for data collection, incl.:
a. Provide near real-time feed of actual data to allow for of threats and reliable forecasts by the managers and commanders during operations
b. Integrate data collection tools in a common data and information management architecture to assure
- Set-up data analysis
Determine data analysis procedures and provide respective capacity
- Set-up data storage and retrieval
Setup data storage and retrieval procedures and assets
- Set-up dissemination and information sharing
Define dissemination principles and routes for sharing information among CM actors and stakeholders
- Ascertain the quality of data
- Provide CCIM technology support
Provide technologies to support communications and information management, including solutions for
- Build CCIM components and functionalities
- Establish CCIM organisation
- Establish a concept of CCIM operations
Coordinate and establish a concept of communications and information management operations
- Provide secure storing and exchange of content
Provide secure storing and exchange of content, i.e.:
a. Establish structured information exchange system for data transformation and routing
b. Develop collaborative tools for secure storing and exchange of data
c. Develop collaborative tools for enterprise content management
- Regulate access to CM communications and information
Regulate access to management communications and information, i.e.:
a. Define and coordinate overall rules for access to CM communications and information and standards for certification of networks, infrastructure, and personnel
b. Develop and coordinate crisis communications and information management documentation and procedures across state agencies, local authorities, private entities, and organisations
c. Establish standards, procedures and channels for granting and revoking employee access to resources or systems
d. Establish procedures for authentication of users and dynamic modification of permissions during an
e. Periodically review the access protocols for each critical asset or system to ensure that the right individuals have authorised access
- Set-up an integrated CCIM network
- Define requirements for CCIM infrastructure
Define sectoral and geographic requirements for Communications and Information Management infrastructure
- Establish CM operations infrastructure
Establish management operations infrastructure for decision-making, organising, and controlling operations
- Establish information management infrastructure
Establish information management infrastructure for collecting, storing, processing, analysing, and disseminating the information needed for decision-making
- Identify stakeholders' CCIM capabilities and procedures
Identify stakeholders’ available communications and information management capabilities and issues
- Organise CCIM's cybersecurity
Establish cybersecurity roles and responsibilities of central and local authorities and participating agencies and procedures for information exchange, tasking and coordination
- Define requirements for CCIM infrastructure
- Establish a concept of CCIM operations
- Exploit CCIM for protection, response, and recovery
- Detect and debunk deception and rumours in social media
Detect and debunk deception and rumours in the social media regarding the situation
- Monitor media coverage
Organise and conduct monitoring of media coverage on the impact of the , progress in made by the CM agencies, recommendations to the population, etc.
- Provide communications and information support to C3
Provide operational communications and information support to C3 by certain organisations (e.g. professional responders) to other stakeholders (e.g. local authorities, private actors, volunteers) to facilitate e.g.
- Communicate operational information across chain of command
Communicate operational information across the management chain of command
- Conduct information analysis and evaluation
Conduct permanent information analysis and
- Deploy field communications
Deploy mobile communications system(s) within the affected area
- Facilitate data processing/ lift
Facilitate data processing, including operational data lift
- Provide communications support to local authorities and the private sector
Coordinate and provide open communications support to local authorities and the private sector to assist awareness, protection, and relief operations
- Provide communications with and between task groups
Provide secure communications with and between search and rescue and first responders task groups
- Provide communications with volunteers
Provide reliable communications and information exchange with formations and spontaneous volunteers
- Communicate operational information across chain of command
- Provide information to media and the public
Prepare and provide relevant and adequate information to media and the public
- Advise the leadership on working with media
Advise the CM leadership on working with the media (monitoring their work, coordination)
- Provide information on the crisis impact
Provide or facilitate producing resources (photographs, maps, graphics, videos, press releases, etc.) that document the impact of the and of actions
- Advise the leadership on working with media
- Secure warning and alerting
Secure warning and alerting to all command levels, CM agencies, and the public
- Communicate directly with media and citizens
Involve managers in direct communication with media and citizens
- Communicate hazard information to the public
Communicate hazard (threat) information to the public
- Communicate hazard information within the CM system
Communicate hazard (threat) information within the CM system
- Ensure the functioning of critical communications
Ensure that all critical communications networks are functioning
- Communicate directly with media and citizens
- Support C3 decision making
Support decision making in the processes of command, control, and coordination, e.g. by implementing analysis, and predictive models and tools
- Detect and debunk deception and rumours in social media
- Conduct and coordinate communications and information planning
- Develop communications policy
- Ensure safe and secure CM environment
Ensure a safe and secure environment through law enforcement and related security and protection operations for people and communities located within affected areas and for all responders engaged in CM operations, i.e.:
a. Perform early on-site actions
b. Establish security control system in the affected area
c. Develop (review) a site security plan
d. Develop and implement case-specific physical security measures, countermeasures, and procedures
e. Conduct security operations within, on the borders, and outside the affected area where evacuees are temporarily placed
f. Share security related information with state and local officials, the private sector and the public, as appropriate
- Exercise Evaluation
- Context Information
- Sufficient technical expertise (e.g. about tactics, correct use of equipment, best practice, etc.)
- Sufficient understanding of predominant culture
- Sufficient understanding of predominant language and abbreviations
- Sufficient understanding of the crisis/disaster management system evaluated
- Sufficient understanding of the exercise participants capabilities
- Sufficient technical expertise (e.g. about tactics, correct use of equipment, best practice, etc.)
- Evaluation Criteria
- Areas/Aspects of particular importance to be observed
- Equipment required to measure performance of exercise participants
- Key Performance Indicators, utilized to measure the performance of exercise participants
- Objectives to be reached by the exercise participants (qualitative, quanitative or both)
- Overarching purpose for the exercise
- Procedures or methods to structure and conduct effective exercise evaluation
- Areas/Aspects of particular importance to be observed
- Findings Processing
- Events (e.g. Workshops) to discuss and analyse findings
- Possible options of documenting perceptions (e.g. text, photos, videos, audio recordings, drawings, map annotations, etc.), which can be utilized for evaluation
- Pre-defined checklists or forms to log observations throughout an exercise
- Tools and methods to process perceptions in order to generate evaluation insights (e.g. through efficient compilation, analysis, data visualization, etc.)
- Events (e.g. Workshops) to discuss and analyse findings
- Organisation
- Simulation Control
- Chosen exercise type, such as Tabletop Exercise (TTX), Command Post Exercise (CPX), or Full Scale Exercise (FSX)
- Elements of the exercise scenario, which help to build up a fictional narrative and serve to control difficulty/complexity
Quality, quantity and frequency of injects have an effect on the participants chance to be successful. Those can be a reason for participants to fail and therefore to be included in the overall process.
- Participating actors within the exercise scenario
- Potential of the exercise to help participants to develop positively
- Chosen exercise type, such as Tabletop Exercise (TTX), Command Post Exercise (CPX), or Full Scale Exercise (FSX)
- Context Information
- Identify hazards and threats
Identify all potential hazards and threats to be tracked.
- Logistics
- Conduct transportation logistics
- Plan, organise, and resource transportation logistics
Plan, organise, and resource transportation logistics for protection, and
- Provide transportation equipment and procedures for its use
Provide transportation equipment and establish procedures for moving materiel from storage facilities and vendors to people in the affected area, evacuation camps and other facilities
- Provide transportation of responders and supplies
Provide transportation of responders and supplies to and within the affected area:
a. Provide strategic transportation
b. Meet responders' requests for transportation
c. Provide transportation of materials, medicine and medical materials, food and water for first aid to affected people
- Provide transportation support to other stakeholders
Provide transportation support to other agencies, task groups, spontaneous volunteers, etc.
- Transport debris and waste
Provide transportation of debris and waste
- Plan, organise, and resource transportation logistics
- Establish crisis logistics management system
- Develop logistics policy, plans, and programmes
Identify required resources and develop logistics policy, plans, and programmes
- Establish logistics C3
Establish a system command, control, and coordination of logistics
- Establish supply chains
Establish a system of supply chains management
- Identify the components of crisis logistics support
Identify the components of the logistics support structure, i.e.:
a. Define roles and responsibilities of logistics managers and organisations
b. Provide a concept of operations for logistics support
c. Establish principles and procedures for logistics support between agencies and local authorities
- Provide end-to-end visibility of resources
Establish and manage an infrastructure and database to provide end-to-end visibility of resources
- Provide norms for procurement in crises
Provide norms, procedures and responsibilities for procurement and contracting during crises
- Develop logistics policy, plans, and programmes
- Manage facilities
- Manage acquired property
Manage property acquired to support and relief operations
- Manage evacuation camps and related services
Establish and operate facilities, temporary deployable accommodation camps and other evacuation facilities, and manage related services, within and outside the affected area
- Operate facilities and manage related services
Establish and operate facilities and manage related services to shelter and support responders
- Operate waste and debris management facilities
Identify, establish and operate facilities for management of waste and debris, enabling reuse, and where possible, and disposal when required
- Select storage and distribution facilities
Conduct location, selection, and acquisition of storage and distribution facilities
- Manage acquired property
- Manage materiel logistics
- Create common operational framework for prioritisation
Create common operational framework to prioritise the use of key assets, needed by various task forces
- Determine materiel requirements
Determine materiel requirements for operational functions and command levels
- Perform consumer logistics
Perform consumer logistics, providing storage, repair, maintenance of CM materiel and its disposal
- Perform maintenance and repair logistics
Perform maintenance and repair logistics during 'Protection', ' ' and ' '
- Perform production logistics within "Preparedness"
Perform production logistics within the " " function, providing specification, design and production of required materiel
- Perform supply logistics
Perform supply logistics, determining stock levels, provisioning, distribution and replenishment of materiel between responders and CM command levels
- Create common operational framework for prioritisation
- Provide logistics services
Provide operational re-supply, map distribution, labour resources, postal and courier services, canteen, laundry and bathing facilities, burials, etc., for responders, volunteers, the people in temporary shelters, hospitals, and housings within and outside the affected area
- Provide medical logistics
- Direct additional national and international medical support
Accept and direct additional national and international medical support for the victims
- Plan medical logistics
Plan, coordinate, contract, and resource medical logistics for and , i.e.:
a. Estimate medicines' and other medical materials requirements for incidents, , and crisis situations and establish reserves according to the hazards mapping
b. Maintain database of the national, regional and local medical organisations, medical personnel, and medical materials
c. Develop and maintain policy, plans, and programmes for securing CM medical logistics capacity
d. Establish public-private partnerships for medical logistics
- Provide medical supplies
Coordinate and provide medical supplies to meet operational requests
- Direct additional national and international medical support
- Conduct transportation logistics
- Mitigation
- Assess the risks
- Assess vulnerabilities to hazards
Assess exposure and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures, assets and essential services to hazards, cyber and CBRNE threats, incl.::
a. Define infrastructure and assets potentially affected by hazards, cyber and CBRNE threats
b. Set vulnerability criteria
c. Identify critical infrastructure and assets
d. Quantify the infrastructure and assets' value
e. Assess vulnerabilities of essential services
- Conduct all-hazards identification, documentation and analysis
Undertake hazards identification, registration and analysis using an approved, recognised methodology that considers all plausible hazards, both natural and human-made, incl.:
a. Document and make publicly available hazard identification and analysis ( assessments) to stakeholders and community members, and review them regularly
b. Support assessment with scientific data, the use of GIS, and analysis of historical and projected impacts to identify area specific exposures and vulnerabilities
- Estimate cascading effects
Estimate the impact of possible cascading effects, e.g. a flood leading to epidemics or an earthquake causing a dam failure
- Estimate cross-border impact
Estimate possible cross-border impact of hazards
- Estimate cross-domain effects
Estimate possible cross-domain effects under the impact of concrete hazards, e.g. a natural leading to mass disorders
- Estimate the risks
Estimate risks by performing the following tasks:
a. Collect evidence and define the risk factors (establish a scale)
b. Establish database on population, economic, housing, health, infrastructure, climate, land, water, raw resources, cultural heritage, etc.
c. Establish hazards scenarios
d. Assess hazards impact to people, essential functions of the government and local administration, physical and digital infrastructure and assets and evaluate the levels of risks
e. Develop and maintain civil security (e.g. vulnerability to hazards and threats) maps at national, regional, and local levels
- Assess vulnerabilities to hazards
- Elaborate mitigation policy and strategy
- Conduct a mitigation communication campaign
Initiate, coordinate, and conduct a communication campaign
- Establish planning and coordination
Establish a mechanism for planning and coordination, including the following tasks:
a. Prepare professional staff for planning and implementation of mitigation measures
b. Conduct demonstrations
c. Establish and certify educational modules
- Formulate the mitigation strategy
Formulate the strategy by performing the following tasks:
a. Define strategy goals
b. Provide 'goals-to-tasks' analysis
c. Define mitigation measures (plans and programmes; at state and local level, international)
d. Select and prioritise mitigation measures
- Provide policy guidance
Prepare and issue policy guidance by performing the following tasks:
a. Analyse the effect of potential measures on hazards, cyber and CBRNE threats
b. Analyse the effect of potential measures on the exposure of critical infrastructure and assets to hazards
c. Collect, organise and use evidence to assess effects of mitigation measures
d. Implement modelling and simulations to assess effects of mitigation measures
e. Define mitigation principles and goals
- Conduct a mitigation communication campaign
- Implement mitigation measures
- Apply long-term vulnerability reduction measures
Apply long-term vulnerability reduction and measures, incl.:
a. Introduce land use planning and design decisions that avoid developments and community infrastructure in areas prone to hazards to reduce their possible impact and avoid to life, property and environment
b. Ensure the reliability of critical infrastructure (such as physical facilities, supply chains, systems, assets, information technologies and communication networks) that provide essential services to the people (incl. safe drinking water, food, reliable transport, accessible public health services, energy for homes and industry, access to banking, finance and government services, and communications networks to connect the people socially and in business)
c. Adopt and enforce hazard-resistant building codes and standards
d. Design improvements to the existing infrastructure and essential services
e. Perform capital works to reduce the impact of regular hazards such as seasonal flooding, icing, wildfires, tornados and others
f. Establish back-up data storage and processing systems
g. Take systematic measures to protect the landscape and environment form irreversible degradation
h. Employ build-in safety, security and into the design and operation of assets, systems, and networks
I. Initiate and maintain neighbourhood hazard civic (volunteers) associations
j. Others
- Enhance education, awareness and skills on mitigation measures
Enhance education, awareness and skills in devising and implementing measures, incl.:
a. Conduct community awareness campaigns to increase knowledge of how to prepare for events
b. Introduce general education programmes to build knowledge on the appropriate actions to prepare for and respond to a event
c. Conduct and programmes to improve skills and coordination in devising and implementing measures
- Explore usability of natural values
Explore usability of natural values, incl.:
a. Further develop the multi-functionality of forests, land, rivers, lakes, seashore, and others through supporting the economic, recreational and amenity value chains
b. Stimulate the incorporation of new restoration treatments into policy and management protocols
c. Develop a shared view of priorities for natural stakes (e.g. map of soil erosion )
d. Develop new approaches for long-term biomass management
e. Regularly update the information on ecosystems vulnerability to various fire recurrences and intensities
- Facilitate the implementation of a zero-waist approach to reduce hazards risks
Promote technology and practice of using residual materials that may cause massive hazards, e.g. stimulate residual forestry biomass exploitation by private owners establishing specific markets and procedures to reduce the forest fires threat
- Apply long-term vulnerability reduction measures
- Keep the mitigation strategy relevant
- Amend and update the mitigation strategy
Amend and update the strategy and respective policies and programmes
- Assess mitigation strategy's implementation
Regularly review and assess results, effects, and the efficiency in the implementation of the strategy and related policies and programmes
- Establish a reporting mechanism
Establish a mechanism for regular reporting on results and performance in the implementation of policies, programmes, and measures
- Amend and update the mitigation strategy
- Organise for mitigation
- Define national mitigation framework
Develop a national framework, incl.:
a. Perform national and define the scope of measures and activities
b. Identify the key mitigation actors and stakeholders
c. Establish stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities for hazards’ mitigation
d. Define the core capabilities necessary to prepare for the specific types of disasters and crises that pose the greatest to the security of the people
e. Relate the mitigation objectives and approaches to the remaining CM functional areas
f. Establish national CM chain of direction and co-ordination – nationally and internationally
g. Establish mitigation long-term and operational planning and resource framework at local, regional, national, and international levels
- Develop expertise for hazards mapping, vulnerabilities and risk assessment
Provide scientific, modelling and simulations, and technical expertise for hazards mapping, vulnerabilities , and to support policy-making and planning, e.g. in the elaboration and prioritisation of measures)
- Provide for mitigation cooperation and coordination
Provide for cooperation between governments and CM agencies to overcome cultural, institutional and legislative issues between countries in developing a common, all-hazards approach:
a. Encourage the exchange of good practices on to hazards and sustainability, as well as on , preparation, , and
b. Coordinate the use of international mechanisms such as the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, UN and other mechanisms
- Define national mitigation framework
- Assess the risks
- Protection functions
- Conduct incident or emergency response
- Conduct ammunition and counterIED operations
Conduct ammunition and counter-IED operations, i.e.:
a. Maintain, in coordination with the military, sufficient ammunition and counter-IED capacity
b. Conduct ammunition and counter-IED operations
c. Coordinate medical and psychological aid to affected people
- Conduct emergency CBRN protection operations
Conduct radiation/nuclear, chemical, and biological protection operations, i.e.:
a. Maintain, in coordination with the military, sufficient CBRN protection capacity
b. Conduct CBRN operations
c. Coordinate medical and psychological aid to affected people
d. Share threat information and analysis with international partners
- Conduct emergency firefighting
Conduct firefighting, i.e.:
a. Maintain in high readiness sufficient firefighting capacities for urban, forest, and mountainous operations
b. Conduct firefighting operations
c. Coordinate medical and psychological aid to affected people
- Conduct limited emergency evacuation operations
Conduct limited evacuation operations, i.e.:
a. Maintain and coordinate with the military capacity for evacuation
b. Conduct evacuation operations
c. Provide temporary shelters and special housing
d. Coordinate medical and psychological aid to evacuated people
- Coordinate and conduct incident SAR operations
Coordinate and conduct incident search and rescue operations, i.e.:
a. Maintain in high readiness search and rescue capacities for urban, sea/water, and mountainous operations
b. Conduct search and rescue operations
c. Coordinate medical and psychological aid to rescued people
- Detect pending emergencies and provide early warning
Detect pending emergencies or other threatening situations and provide early warning
- Conduct biological and epidemiological monitoring and alert on pandemics
Conduct biological and epidemiological monitoring activities to provide alerting of dangerous pandemics and define roles and responsibilities on alerting
- Conduct permanent cyberspace monitoring
Conduct permanent monitoring of cyber networks and assets that connect cyber-physical systems for access control, early warning, sensing, alarming, data storage, analysis and decision support, and physical control to limit the impact of possible attacks
- Conduct seismic monitoring and alert of geological hazards
Conduct seismic monitoring activities to provide alerting of geological hazards and define roles and responsibilities on alerting
- Conduct weather monitoring and alert on weather hazards
Conduct weather monitoring activities to provide alerting of weather-related hazards and define roles and responsibilities on alerting
- Provide a composite threat picture of CBRNE
Detect illicit radioactive and nuclear materials; identify chemical, biological, and explosives’ threats and provide a composite threat picture across all modalities - radiation/nuclear, chemical, biological, and explosives
- Warn in case of escalation
Deliver warning information in case of escalation of incidents
- Conduct biological and epidemiological monitoring and alert on pandemics
- Conduct ammunition and counterIED operations
- Conduct operational planning
- Coordinate planning with support providers
Coordinate operational planning with military and other providers of support
- Establish an operational planning framework
Establish an operational planning framework, i.e.:
a. Define planning assumptions to guide the development of operational plans
b. Establish operations planning requirements for every level of CM command and management.
c. Determine jurisdictional priorities, objectives, tasks, and resource acquisitions and allocations needed to protect against and respond to potential hazards and threats
d. Make the operational planning framework available to all government agencies, local authorities, non-governmental and private business
- Plan across ranges and level of activities
Perform planning across the full range of activities at every level of CM command and management
- Coordinate planning with support providers
- Conduct systematic monitoring and data collection
- Conduct monitoring and anticipation
Conduct continuous monitoring and anticipate emergencies and crises, i.e.:
a. Scan continuously hazards and threats and exchange information in relevant regional, national, and global frameworks
b. Gather and store required raw data using sensing, detection, and surveillance technologies
c. Combine cyber detection and physical surveillance to better protect critical CM networks and assets as well as elements of the critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure
d. Share systematically information, analyses, and reports
- Raise awareness and anticipate
Conduct analysis to raise awareness and anticipate emergencies, crises and their impact
- Combine status with consequence analysis
Combine 'current operational status' with consequence analysis to build a real-time geospatial framework in support of effective and timely decision-making
- Maintain public awareness on hazards and respective services
Maintain on hazards, availability of respective services, and the means by which they can be accessed
- Provide predictive analysis and situational awareness
Provide predictive analysis and deliver situational awareness to the decision-makers and first responders by using modelling, damage estimation, analysis, resource analysis and inventory, and organisational systems analysis
- Provide professional and public relevant visualisation
Provide professional and public-relevant visualisation of incidents and situations and protection operations
- Combine status with consequence analysis
- Conduct monitoring and anticipation
- Coordinate and provide CII protection
- Backup information and processes
Ensure that essential information is backed up on remote servers and that redundant processes are implemented for key functions, reducing the potential consequences of cyber security incidents
- Identify, track, investigate, disrupt, and prosecute malicious actors
Leverage law enforcement and intelligence assets to identify, track, investigate, disrupt, and prosecute malicious actors
- Implement standards for security, reliability, integrity, and availability of critical information
Implement -informed standards to ensure the security, reliability, integrity, and availability of critical information, records, and communications systems and services, and business continuity
- Protect personal data
Apply comprehensive personal data protection measures
- Protect physical and cyber assets, networks, applications, and systems
Implement countermeasures, technologies, and policies to protect physical and cyber assets, networks, applications, and systems that could be exploited in order to cause harm
- Secure networks and CI based on risk assessment
Secure, to the extent possible, public and private networks and critical infrastructure (e.g. communication, financial, power grid, water, and transportation systems), based on results from , , and incident capabilities
- Share cyber threat information and analysis
Share cyber threat information and analysis with the domestic and international actors to promote shared situational awareness
- Backup information and processes
- Coordinate and provide public protection
- Assess safety, integrity and security of buildings
Assess safety, structural integrity, and physical security of buildings
- Provide safety during mass public events
Provide safety during mass public events, i.e.:
a. Develop and implement case-specific public safety plans and guidelines
b. Exploit public safety communications systems
- Safeguard public health
- Apply preventive measures
Apply preventive measures, such as vaccines, immunisation, face masks, fluoridated water supply, iodised salt, etc., and psycho-educative measures
- Perform food and water safety control
Perform comprehensive and permanent food, water, and agriculture safety control, covering supply chains and warehouses
- Provide epidemiological surveillance and investigation
Provide human and animal epidemiological surveillance and investigation
- Apply preventive measures
- Assess safety, integrity and security of buildings
- Protect critical infrastructures
- Apply case-specific protection measures
Apply casespecific protection measures, i.e.:
a. Employ security protection systems to detect or delay an attack or intrusion
b. Detect malicious activities that threaten critical infrastructure and related operational activities across the sectors
c. Implement intrusion detection and intrusion protection systems on sensitive or mission-critical networks and facilities to identify and prevent unauthorized access and exploitation
- Establish CI reporting mechanism
Establish national and international critical infrastructures' risks, threats, and vulnerabilities reporting mechanism
- Establish Operator security plan
Develop, approve, and implement security plan for each critical infrastructure
- Introduce security liaison officer by every critical infrastucture operator
- Maintain list of national and international critical infrastructures
Maintain the list of national and international critical infrastructures, sectors and assets up to date, i.e.:
a. Maintain the classification of national critical infrastructures, taking account of the effects of disruption or destruction of a particular infrastructure (geographic extent of the damage and seriousness of the consequences)
b. Identify and analyse geographic and sectoral interdependencies
- Apply case-specific protection measures
- Conduct incident or emergency response
- Recovery functions
Decisions and actions aimed at restoring or improving livelihoods, health, as well as economic, physical, social, cultural and environmental assets, systems and activities, of a -affected community or society, aligning with the principles of sustainable development, including build back better to avoid or reduce future .
- Adjust the recovery planning
- Amend norms and legislation
Formulate and introduce required changes in legal norms or government decisions (adjustments, amendments or introduction of new case-specific norms)
- Establish and share detailed COP
Establish detailed common operational picture and share it across the government, i.e.:
a. Organise interagency fact finding mission
b. Integrate collected data and information
c. Invite scientific support on concrete issues
d. Study possible secondary and collateral hazards
e. Provide reports
- Modify recovery plans and policies
Modify the contingency plans, programmes, and policies as necessary
- Provide for evidence-based decisionmaking
Collect and verify data and develop tools to allow for evidence-based decision-making
- Amend norms and legislation
- Engage the population
- Identify communities' priorities and perceived benefits
Initiate a comprehensive on-site to identify communities' priorities and the impact of potential assistance measures
- Maintain population's operational awareness
Maintain population's operational awareness on operations and measures, i.e.:
a. Deliver public information on the situation, and plans
b. Instruct people how to act in case of secondary hazards and collateral damage
c. Advice people on how to behave/ act in the situation
d. Provide people with the ability to communicate privately in case of damaged public digital infrastructure and communication channels
e. Establish liaison mechanism and communication channels between communities and institutions.
- Organise volunteers and communities for recovery
Organise activities of volunteers and communities in operations
- Activate PPPs to mobilise resources
Activate publicprivate partnership mechanisms to mobilise, deliver and utilise resources
- Manage organised volunteers during recovery
Deploy, task, resource and oversee organised volunteers
- Manage spontaneous volunteers during recovery
Network spontaneous volunteers with professional staff and organised volunteers, provide instructions and resources
- Activate PPPs to mobilise resources
- Identify communities' priorities and perceived benefits
- Manage economic recovery
- Assess economic reconstruction needs
Coordinate and conduct comprehensive inter-agency and public-private economic reconstruction needs Assess economic consequences at the national, regional, and local level, evaluate and justify government's involvement in economic
- Plan long-term economic recovery
Plan long-term economic efforts, i.e.:
a. Coordinate government, regional, local, and private efforts
b. Coordinate agricultural programmes
c. Introduce monetary instruments (e.g. assistance loans) to support the recovery of local industry, agriculture, trade, and tourism
- Provide jobs' incentives or unemployment assistance
Provide affected people with incentives to keep their jobs or special unemployment assistance
- Assess economic reconstruction needs
- Manage environmental recovery
- Clean up the affected area
Clean up the affected area from hazardous waste
- Conduct environmental decontamination
Coordinate and conduct decontamination and other measures to eliminate ' effects on the environment
- Develop policy for sustainable rehabilitation
Conduct long-term environmental impact assessments and develop policy and programme for sustainable rehabilitation
- Remove damaged structures and debris
Remove damaged structures; manage debris to reduce environmental and human impact
- Clean up the affected area
- Manage humanitarian recovery
- Address the needs of vulnerable populations
Address the needs of vulnerable populations, paying special attention to big families, people with disabilities, and relatives to victims
- Establish temporary school organisation
Establish temporary for schooling of children
- Manage volunteers providing social services
Assist local authorities in managing volunteers providing social and psychosocial services
- Provide food, water, and energy for the population
Provide regular deliveries of food, water, and energy for private use
- Provide reliable temporary sheltering
Provide safe and reliable temporary sheltering and utilities
- Restore critical medical and MHPSS services
Restore critical medical and MHPSS services, i.e.:
a. Provide comprehensive stress management, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and substance abuse services and programmes
b. Establish (review, update) plans for sustainable medical
c. Ensure treatment by relevant health care institutions and procedures
d. Identify and mobilise health care resources (budget, personnel, equipment, facilities)
- Support families' reunification
Facilitate and support reunification of families from the affected area
- Address the needs of vulnerable populations
- Manage infrastructure recovery
Manage infrastructure by performing the following functions:
a. Coordinate and conduct comprehensive inter-agency and public-private reconstruction and rehabilitation needs
b. Develop prioritised policy, plans, and programmes for infrastructure
c. Mobilise public, private, and international resources for infrastructure recovery programmes
d. Establish special legal norms and financial mechanisms to support individual and business infrastructure reconstruction
e. Coordinate the rehabilitation of buildings and transportation infrastructure
f. Provide governmental engineering services and other support to local authorities for public works and reconstruction of infrastructure
g. Integrate state, local, and private efforts in infrastructure recovery
- Provide immediate relief support
- Expand the immediate health care
Expand the immediate health care, i.e.:
a. Notify affected people on the of health care
b. Take epidemic measures
c. Provide clinical care for the injured
d. Apply infectious diseases' and control measures
- Open critical transportation lines
Open and maintain critical transportation lines and manage their use
- Provide electricity
Provide electricity support
- Provide psychosocial support
Provide psychosocial support to individuals and families
- Provide disaster welfare and family reunification
Collect, process, and disseminate welfare and family reunification information
- Provide psychological support to relatives
Provide psychological support to victims' relatives
- Provide disaster welfare and family reunification
- Upgrade the temporary sheltering
Upgrade the temporary sheltering, i.e.:
a. Estimate the actual needs
b. Mobilise mutual aid resources
c. Request and manage international support for temporary sheltering
- Expand the immediate health care
- Recover public lifelines
- Reestablish food supply chains
Restore and sustain supply chains for basic foods
- Restore banking and commercial services
Support the restoration of banking and other commercial services
- Restore delivery of fuels
Restore and sustain the delivery of all main types of fuel to public and private users
- Restore delivery of potable water
Restore and sustain the delivery of potable water to public and private users
- Restore local public services
Support the restoration of local public services, with schools, health and social care services as highest priority
- Restore mass communications and Internet
Restore mass communications and Internet connectivity throughout the affected area
- Restore mass transportation
Restore and sustain basic mass transportation services
- Restore postal services
Re-establish the state postal service; support the restoration of other postal services
- Restore sustainable delivery of electricity
Restore and sustain the delivery of electricity to public and private users
- Restore the solid waste collection system
Restore and sustain the system for collection of solid waste and waste disposal
- Reestablish food supply chains
- Adjust the recovery planning
- Response functions
- Build the ground for relief and recovery
- Decontaminate assets and infrastructure
Conduct decontamination, inactivation, and detoxification of buildings, equipment, machines and land
- Initiate disaster area cleaning
Initiate general cleaning of the affected area
- Manage the transition from response to recovery
Manage the transition from to and implementation of long-term consequence management plans; Implement demobilization and deactivation plans
- Restore the delivery of basic services
Restore or provide for basic services and needs, e.g. water, food, energy, communications, etc.
- Decontaminate assets and infrastructure
- Limit the impact of the crisis
- Contain hazardous causes of the crisis
- Control floods
Conduct flood control operations
- Control the range of CBRN agents
Control the range of chemical, biological agents and radiation/nuclear agents or HAZMATs, incl.:
a. Gather, assess and disseminate the available information to first responders
b. Assess the scene (e.g. by first responders using Chemical, Biological and Radiological Detection, Identification and Monitoring Equipment to recognise the signs and indicators of CBRN or HAZMATs
c. Isolate the scene to mitigate the consequences and establish inner and outer cordon (hot/warm/cold zone)
d. Establish quarantine area for contaminated victims/casualties, as well as decontamination and triage areas
e. Conduct CBNR and HAZMATs operations, including decontamination, evacuation, and others
- Detect explosives and mitigate potential impact
Detect explosives and undertake measures to mitigate their potential impact
- Fight and contain fires
Conduct firefighting and containment
- Control floods
- Limit the impact of failure of digital infrastructures
Limit the impact of digital infrastructures and assets' partial damage or complete dysfunctionality on the ability to manage the , to provide aid and services within affected areas, the ability of affected people to communicate, and the functionality of critical systems as electric power and gas delivery, air and railroad transportation, public communications, banking, and others
- Protect CI from secondary damage
Identify damaged critical infrastructure and key assets and coordinate immediate actions to protect them from secondary damage
- Take immediate law enforcement measures
Take immediate law enforcement measures, i.e.:
a. Isolate the area affected by the
b. Establish traffic control
c. Maintain public order within the affected area
d. Launch investigations
e. Open-up lines of transportation and communication to safe(r) areas
- Contain hazardous causes of the crisis
- Orient and decide
- Conduct damage and needs assessment
Conduct damage and needs , i.e.:
a. Collect and integrate human and sensor data from the field and from airborne platforms
b. Conduct situational analysis
c. Conduct first damage and
d. Identify the immediate needs of affected populations
e. Develop a model- and data-based prediction of evolution and impact across domains
- Decide on the introduction of crisis legislation
Decide on the introduction of legislation and other measures, i.e.:
a. Introduce crisis legislation at national, regional or local level
b. Take other measures
c. Deliver information on the situation and measures taken - nationally and internationally
- Determine the nature of the crisis
Collect information, determine and evaluate the nature of the
- Conduct flights to collect information
Conduct flight planning and operations to collect information and use data from airborne sensors for the
- Determine and evaluate crisis triggers
Determine and evaluate the causes, nature and source of the hazard (threat) triggering the
- Survey or/and investigate the affected area
Conduct inter-agency surveillance or/and investigation of the affected area
- Conduct flights to collect information
- Manage warnings
Manage warnings to the public, providers of essential services and operators of critical infrastructure, i.e.:
a. Prepare warnings
b. Authorise warnings
c. Deliver warnings
- Provide decision support
Provide decision support, i.e.:
a. Prepare information for decision-making
b. Provide of impact across vulnerabilities (people, property, environment)
c. Facilitate the prediction of the hazard and its impact
d. Develop and evaluate courses of action
e. Prioritise tasks and key resources
f. Translate information into actionable formats for management users
g. Provide scientific support to decision-making
- Review and adjust the response plan
Review and adjust the plan, i.e.:
a. Decide on initial engagement of government agencies, local authorities and non-governmental organisations
b. Adjust the management procedures according to the situation
c. Adjust the chain of command and decide on deploying mobile management command centres
d. Assess critical resource needs and ways of delivery
- Conduct damage and needs assessment
- Respond to the hazard
- Activate crisis management bodies
Activate the command and management bodies and centres
- Conduct coordinated tasking and resource management
Conduct coordinated tasking and resource management, i.e.:
a. Define, prioritise and assign tasks
b. Identify sites suitable for command posts, staging areas, and ingress/egress routes
c. Monitor and position resources
d. Pool and share resources
e. Assign resources to tasks
f. Exchange information on tasks and resources
- Deploy responders
- Command response operations
Command, coordinate, and manage operations
- Conduct first on-site hazard and consequence assessment
Conduct or support first on-site hazard and consequence , i.e. by establishing multi-agency investigation teams to improve the knowledge on the causes of the
- Deploy first responders
Command and manage deployment of first responders, incl.:
a. Support the efforts of first-responder teams in the management of multi-causal situations
b. Provide the first-responders with advanced hazard behaviour prediction through real-time analysis by considering the variability of hazard-specific characteristics
- Determine the area of operations
Determine the area of operation(s)
- Manage deployment and delivery of first aid
Manage deployment and delivery of resources for first aid
- Manage organised volunteers
Manage the deployment of organised volunteers and their tasking, resourcing, control, redeployment, etc.
- Manage spontaneous volunteers
Manage the on-site spontaneous volunteers
- Command response operations
- Maintain shared situational awareness
Achieve and maintain shared situational awareness
- Collect information from deployed sources
Collect, manually and automatically, information from deployed operational centres, sensors, and other field equipment
- Develop and sustain COP
Develop and sustain a common operational picture (COP), based on information on hazard sources and evolution, identified vulnerabilities and potential risks
- Disseminate COP and assessments
Disseminate the common operational picture and assessments
- Integrate data and information from various sources
Integrate data and information from various sources; Fuse historical data, models' outputs and real-time data feeds in various formats to enhance the decision-makers' situational awareness
- Predict hazards' escalation and impact
Predict hazards' (wildfire, floods, radiation, chemical and biological agents, and others) propagation through real-time modelling and analysis by considering the variability of wind speed and direction, humidity and fuel moisture forecast and other relevant factors
- Collect information from deployed sources
- Manage international support
Manage international support, i.e.:
a. Request international support
b. Establish a coordination body, transportation routes, storage facilities
c. Provide support to the international first responders
d. Establish a mechanism for international financial support
- Secure digital infrastructure and assets
Take immediate measures to safeguard the functionality of digital infrastructure, i.e.:
a. Filter or assign lower priority to suspicious network traffic
b. Reconfigure critical CM networks
c. Shut down specific services or parts of the CM network when a detected cyberattack is affecting the confidentiality or integrity of ongoing CM communication
- Activate crisis management bodies
- Support affected people
- Conduct SAR operations
Conduct search and rescue operations: Search for missing people, rescue the victims, provide first aid, and move the people to safety
- Decontaminate persons
Provide decontamination, degassing and disinfection of persons
- Establish emergency mobile phone
Establish special mobile telephone access
- Provide care for animals
Provide care for animals in the affected area
- Provide essential services to the affected community
Provide essential services such as power to critical facilities; fuel supplies and potable water, mobile communications, and food and pharmaceuticals to the affected community.
- Provide evacuation and shelter
- Evacuate and shelter outside the affected area
Conduct evacuation operations and provide shelter outside the affected area
- Evacuate and shelter within the affected area
Conduct evacuation operations and provide shelter (e.g. in tents) within the affected area
- Provide for evacuees
Provide health care, MHPSS care, nutrition, and sanitation to evacuees and communication to/ reunification with their relatives
- Provide temporary housing
Provide temporary, longer-term housing
- Evacuate and shelter outside the affected area
- Provide MHPSS
Provide mental health and psycho-social support (MHPSS) to professional responders, volunteers and the affected population
- Provide off-site health and MHPSS services
Provide off-site health care and MHPSS services:
a. Deploy field hospitals
b. Provide transportation to regular hospitals
c. Apply quarantine and isolation measures
d. Perform mass prophylaxis and vaccination
e. Provide psychological, psychosocial, paediatric and other specific care
- Provide on-site first aid
Provide on-site ambulances, first treatment service and psychological first aid
- Conduct SAR operations
- Build the ground for relief and recovery
- Security management
- Conduct security orientation and planning
- Develop preparedness security guidance
Develop and promulgate security guidance
- Develop security component in CM plans and systems
Develop security component in the national, regional, and local management plans and systems, i.e.:
a. Within the scenarios, identify security threats, issues and responses
b. Identify and cluster inter-agency security capabilities requirements
c. Establish a model of using security capabilities for functions
d. Develop a security operations plan for the crisis management system
e. Introduce security chapters in the crisis management planning at all command and management levels
f. Establish and maintain security and reporting mechanism
- Establish preliminary coordination
Establish pre- security management coordination
- Establish programmes for acquisition of security capabilities
Establish central, agency-specific, regional, and local programmes for acquisition of security capabilities
- Introduce security specific norms
Introduce security specific norms as part of the management legislation
- Provide performance guidelines
Provide performance directives, guidelines, and instructions
- Develop preparedness security guidance
- Establish security management organisation
- Establish a crisis security clearance system
Establish a security clearance system, i.e.:
a. Establish a national authentication and security identification certification system for responders and official personnel and other non-governmental personnel requiring access to affected areas
b. Establish a national database of cleared staff and volunteers
- Establish secure information exchange
Establish a system to exchange security information
- Establish security coordination and control organisations
Establish security coordination and control organisations according to the CM chain of command, as well as in private and non-governmental entities planned to engage in CM operations
- Introduce chief security officer
Introduce chief security officer (manager) in each command and management entity
- Provide expertise and coordination for security planning
Provide expertise and coordination for security planning efforts and for conducting technical assessments (e.g. vulnerability assessments, analyses, surveillance sensor architecture, etc.)
- Establish a crisis security clearance system
- Exercise on-site security control
- Coordinate security measures with other operations
Coordinate security measures with other search and rescue, and operations
- Perform access, traffic, and crowd control
Perform access, traffic, and crowd control within and on the borders of the affected area, in temporary evacuation facilities and camps, i.e.:
a. Provide security forces to support state and local efforts to control access to the incident site and critical facilities
b. Provide security forces and establish protective measures around the affected site, critical infrastructure, and critical facilities
c. Secure protection of responders and other workers operating in a high-threat environment, and provide operational security of operations wherever they may occur
d. Establish public traffic control
e. Deploy capacities for crowd control
- Test critical infrastructure security plans
Develop and implement programmes to test critical infrastructure security plans
- Coordinate security measures with other operations
- Provide key security capabilities
- Develop and conduct security management training
Develop and conduct to improve all-hazard security management , i.e.:
a. Develop standardised courses on security management
b. Provide training courses for the security officers
c. Tailor security management courses and provide training for volunteers
d. Deliver guidelines on security to the population, business entities, and institutions
- Staff with qualified personnel
Staff with qualified personnel, i.e.:
a. Establish key competencies’ requirements for security staff
b. Select, motivate, certify, and maintain professional security staff at national and local levels, as well as for private and non-governmental entities
- Supply security control equipment
Supply security control equipment, i.e. provide specialised security assets such as traffic barriers; chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives detection devices; canine units; law enforcement personal protective gear; etc.
- Develop and conduct security management training
- Conduct security orientation and planning
- Strategic adaptiveness
- Build and measure community resilience
- Establish measures and measurement of resilience
Establish measures of and approaches, i.e.:
a. Explore community-based approaches for measuring
b. Establish framework for
c. Use modelling to analyse the impacts of
- Improve communities' preparedness, responsiveness, learning, self-organisation, and innovation
Improve communities’ , responsiveness, learning, self- , and , incl.:
a. Regularly update guidelines or procedures on how citizens should equip themselves for emergencies involving extreme events
b. Stimulate the implementation of advanced restoration treatment
c. Organise educational and awareness campaigns
d. Develop new awareness raising methods to overcome attitude and behavioural barriers
- Provide for bonding and linking communities' assets across borders
Provide for bonding, bridging, and linking communities' assets across the country and throughout the European Union
- Strengthen community assets for resilience
Strengthen the community financial, physical, MHPSS, political, human, social, and natural assets for
- Strengthen the communities' capacity for collective actions
Strengthen the communities’ capacity for collective actions for reduction, conflict , social protection, natural resource management, and management of public goods and services:
a. Empower local communities with tools, information and skills to recognise the benefits of integrated hazards management
b. Conduct awareness-raising campaigns for targeted stakeholder groups Communicate the social, environmental and economic benefits of community action and
c. Adopt participatory planning to evaluate the general public's acceptance of a given hazard management policy in different regions
d. Develop flexible management plans and policies that account for the differences in local and regional contexts
- Establish measures and measurement of resilience
- Conduct civil security foresight
- Explore the implications of alternative futures
Explore the implications of alternative management futures, e.g. conduct exercises (table top, academia) and simulations in alternative futures' scenarios
- Identify key drivers and trends
Identify key drivers of change and trends in the civil security environment, incl.:
a. Analyse historical characteristics of critical hazards and form central databases with harmonised information on single-hazard events
b. Update and detail the information on hazards’ occurrence and behaviour in sensitive areas (e.g. wildland-urban), e.g. with respect to land use fragmentation and climate change
c. Consider climate change in hazards' projections
d. Include direct environmental losses (e.g. forests, infrastructures) and indirect losses (e.g. air quality, biodiversity, etc.) into the economic of damages
- Identify plausible futures
Identify plausible future hazards, environments, and management futures, incl.:
a. Project and use projections of changes in hazards to evaluate impact of climate change on forest fires, floods, extreme weather, and others
b. Identify thresholds of change and tipping points in ecosystem regeneration with account of climate trends and past land use management history
c. Consider ecosystems functioning in the design of adaptation strategies
d. Account for multiple risks in the management of forests, water, and land including biotic and abiotic disturbances (e.g. insects, wind storms, droughts, and others)
- Explore the implications of alternative futures
- Develop capacity to adapt
- Create and maintain materiel reserves
Create and maintain materiel reserves, e.g. particular vaccines, for scenarios not considered likely in the near future, but are plausible in an alternative future (e.g. in grey and black swan scenarios)
- Develop options and estimate required resources
Develop possible courses of action across plausible alternative futures and estimate respective required resources.
- Develop adaptation policies
Provide for adaptation of CM policies and management decisions, incl.:
a. Assess relevance of existing CM policies and management decisions to alternative futures
b. Identify adaptation and development pathways (with emphasis on hazard-resilient landscapes) per alternative futures
- Develop courses of action in alternative futures
Develop potential courses of action in plausible alternative futures of management
- Establish coordination with military and other backup
Establish coordination with the military and other available backup units and personnel, e.g. organisations with CBRN capabilitiess
- Estimate resource requirements
Estimate resource requirements; Identify specific needs and critical resources per alternative futures
- Develop adaptation policies
- Maintain hazards and CM research capacity and agenda
Maintain hazards and management research and development capacity and agenda, incl.:
a. Network, collaborate, communicate and share experiences
b. Establish robust research governance and support structures, build-in monitoring, and lessons learning with account of alternative futures
c. Conduct pilot and demonstration projects to facilitate and prepare for uncertainty
d. Develop flexible research agendas
- Create and maintain materiel reserves
- Promote CM organisational agility
- Establish continuous monitoring
Establish continuous monitoring of the CM environment, i.e. horizon scanning
- Establish international exchange on adaptiveness
Establish opportunities for international exchange on organisational adaptiveness
- Exchange foresight experience and findings
Exchange experience from foresight studies, their findings, consequent actions and evidence of impact
- Facilitate networking and cooperation
Facilitate networking and cooperation among agencies, professional societies, and projects
- Maintain diverse and evolving competencies
Maintain diverse competencies and perspectives and provide for continuous learning
- Promote knowledge centricity
Place knowledge in the centre of responders' organisations and the wider network of stakeholders
- Establish continuous monitoring
- Build and measure community resilience
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Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects. |