Design of formative evacuation plans using agent-based simulation
The article presents a methodological framework for the design of formative evacuation plans for complex socio-technical systems in crisis. The framework adopts the Complex Adaptive Systems modelling approach, and proposes the agent-based simulation as cognitive tool for the team which designs the plans. The formative evacuation plans, which are developed using the proposed framework, do not prescribe normative procedures but provide recommendations that decrease the problem space of the personnel, and at the same time permit them to adapt to the particularities of the situation at hand. The framework is demonstrated through an application in a metro system, for the case of a flaming train stalled between two stations.
Investigate the efficiency of the evacuation plan: 3 steps with multiple iterations; 1: simulate, 2: analyse simulation, e.g. top-down analysis methods such as fault-tree analysis, 3: new simulations
Agent based simulation, framework development
“….assess and improve the existing evacuation plans.” Pp. 928
The framework is demonstrated through an application in a metro system, for the case of a Xaming train stalled between two stations.“The framework adopts the Complex Adaptive Systems modelling approach, and proposes the agent-based simulation as cognitive tool for the team which designs the plans. “pp. 920“” The proposed methodological framework for the design of formative evacuation plans comprises five main stages and is presented schematically in Fig. 1.” Pp. 923The framework is demonstrated through an application in a metro system, for the case of a flaming train stalled between two stations.” Pp. 920“The method presented in the previous section has been applied to the Athens metro for the case of a tunnel Fire. The goal was to assess and improve the existing evacuation plans.” Pp. 928
Simulation data
“The article presents a methodological framework for the design of formative evacuation plans for complex socio-technical systems in crisis.” pp. 920
“The proposed framework makes use of agent-based modelling. Based on the Complexity Theory, it was argued that this formalism can explicitly account for the co-evolving phenomena encountered in evacuations, offering a formal way of modelling the triple interaction personnel-hazard-evacuees. In this fashion, more flexible, formative designs can be developed, implementing the constrained-based approach, which is in compliance with the complex nature of the phenomena that take place during an evacuation.” pp. 938“This framework was applied in a metro system, for the case of a flaming train stalled between two stations. The metro on Fire has been modelled as a Complex Adaptive System. By bringing the complexity of the system out, as the product of the co-evolution of Personnel-Fire-Group of Passengers, an agent-based simulator was developed. Using this simulator ,a formative evacuation plan consisting of a web of recommendations for the metro personnel’s actions was then developed. Such a plan is able to adapt to the dynamic changes during the evacuation process.” pp. 938
The framework adopts the Complex Adaptive Systems modelling approach, and proposes the agent-based simulation as cognitive tool for the team which designs the plans.“…adopts the Complex Adaptive Systems modelling approach, and proposes the agent-based simulation … “ pp. 920“ The framework is demonstrated through an application in a metro system, for the case of a framing train stalled between two stations.” pp. 920
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