Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Methodological Lessons Learned are listed below.
Development, initial reliability and validity testing of an observational tool for assessing technical skills of operating room nurses.

Small sample sizeInter-rater reliability could not be assesseddifferent properties of the tool are tested at different times in a sequential manner, not in one sequence.

Teaching Critical Management Skills to Senior Nursing Students: Videotaped or Interactive Hands-On Instruction?

Small sample sizeStudents were tested at only 3 stations

Using Monte Carlo simulation to refine emergency logistics response models: a case study.

The emergency response model outcomes are still based on simulated outputs and would still need to be validated in a real-life environment. Proposing a new or revised emergency logistics response model is not sufficient.

A decision support system for debris-flow hazard mitigation in towns based on numerical simulation: a case study at Dongchuan, Yunnan Province.

Accuracy of numerical simulation of debris flow movement and precision of debris flow forecast are two important factors to determine the disaster mitigation effect of the system.

An emergency logistics response system for natural disasters.

Research  (pilot programs) must be conducted to fully assess their economical and technical feasibility ( not conclusive.

Developing shared situational awareness for emergency management.

The response rate was only 25% and the responses were not as specific as we expectedThe definition of the critical information elements was especially challenging for the human agents

Dynamic decision support for managing regional resources: Mapping risk in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

The dynamic potential of this system could be enhanced by providing access to the system through a web service so emergency managers could conduct interactive analyses remotelySignificant private and nonprofit resources exist in the region which could be incorporated into future iterations of the geodatabase and decision support system.This prototype system could be improved by adding more detailed characteristics of each facility (e.g., the number and volumetric capacity of bays at each fire station) and of the road segments (e.g., elevation profiles) that connect them

Emergency crowd evacuation modeling and simulation framework with cellular discrete event systems.

Validating this suite of models would represent a significant steptowards the application of this suite of models in the aid of building egress design and evacuation planning for emergency control authorities.

Supporting collaborative sense-making in emergency management through geo-visualization.

First, our systems focus on one specific geo-collaboration task.our visualization tools are still limited

An optimization approach for ambulance location and the districting of the response segments on highways

The methods would require a prohibitive amount of CPU time to solve problems with more than 10 ambulance.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.