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This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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The Physical Activity Lifelong Modelling & Simulation (PALMS) model is an agent-based micro-simulation that predicts the lifelong physical activity behaviour of individuals of a population and its effect on their quality of life.
Supported Use Cases

Population Health prediction

PALMS can be used to predict the prevalence of various "civilisation diseases" in population, such as obesity, diabetis or coronary diseases. This information is important input for capacity and vulnerability reduction planing.

Related CM functions

Addressed hazards
Innovation stage
Crisis Cycle Phase
Crisis size
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.