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This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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Sipremo does natural disaster prediction and monitoring

Sipremo is pioneer in Brazil doing natural disaster prediction and monitoring, the company raised from a partnership with the São Paulo State Civil Defense, the most relevant player on the sector for South America, we still work with FUNDABOM, the Fire Department Support Foundation and other significant players.

Sipremo is part of the ONU Global Compact as signatory, we still are the first tech company in South America on TCFD, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures besides being one of the best govtechs in all Ibero-America following the IE Business School in Madrid, and during the whole operation time we had predicted more than a thousand natural disasters.

Targeting to help the problems caused by the natural disasters, we made our products.

Our flagship, called Sipremo as well, is a cloud platform where the users can see the forecasts, prediction, monitoring and the others AI results.

The Sipremo’s artificial intelligence is capable of providing information on where, when and what disasters may occur in the next hours, our platform in addition to this, offers strategic reports and do the geofencing communication. Our AI analyze in real-time a huge number of information from many public, private, national and international sources to monitor and predict the disasters.

To touch the stakeholders and send informations we have the SGN, which do it by a geofencing way with a 20 meters precision, and could be still integrated to any other communication channel such as social medias, email and others.

Also we get the R/B, our reports that contain strategic information of history, qualification and rating risk, working as a great source of good information for a mid/long term planning.

We are able to cover areas in any country of europe in a few months. Working with the Sipremo our users can have predictability, strategic information for team management, planning, an assertive way for communication, support decisions and innovation join technology to predict the future and save the present.

Supported Use Cases

Flood and Thunderstorms São Paulo

In February 10th, 2020 São Paulo State had one of the major disasters in your history.

The print screen case, show the predictions at almost 1am and then the TV News with the confirmation and the impact caused for the disaster on that mentioned day focusing on Barueri, one of the 39 cities covered by Sipremo, in addition to this, at the same prediction more than 500 points of flood in the other 38 cities were mapped, besides the other disasters predicted for that night which occurred in consequence of the case, like landslides and flash floods.

Related CM functions

Dashboard printscreen



eu Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020.