Publication Findings
Knowledge, Experiences and Training Needs of Health Professionals about Disaster Preparedness and Response in Southwest Ethiopia: a cross sectional study.

The questionnaire included socio-economic and demographic characteristics of respondents, their knowledge, experiences and training needs about disaster early warning, preparedness and response. The questions particularly focused on common disasters including drought, flood, epidemic diseases and fire and traffic accidents.

Leaders as emotional managers : Emotion management in response organisations during a hostage taking in a Swedish prison.

The empirical case is a hostage drama that occurred in a small Swedish town. Interviews with participantsAlthough staff at the local prison were situationally prepared and trained in incident exercises, two inmates with knives fled the prison after taking a warden hostage

Learning crisis resource management: Practicing versus an observational role in simulation training – a randomized controlled Trial.

The SimMan 3G (Norway, Laerdal) was used for the entire study. The participants were expected to properly and effectively manage the crises by utilizing CRM principles.

Managing the inconceivable: participatory assessments of impacts and responses to extreme climate change

Simulation-gaming techniques:- Involve suitable, problem-oriented combinations of a game, a simulation, and the reality to create a situation in which participants engage into playing pre-assigned or voluntarily chosen roles. Policy Exercise:- Combine expert reviews and policy interviews in the preparations phase, scenarios and group interaction techniques at the workshops, policy analysis and evaluation methods in the synthesis phase. Focus group:-Gather information about public perceptions and attitudes concerning climate change, impacts and policy preferences in a more systematic manner than traditional survey questionnaires or interviews.

Mechanisms of Control in Emergent Interorganizational Networks.

Understanding the role of network structure in the emergence of control between organizations in disrupted settings.

Modeling and representation for earthquake emergency response knowledge: perspective for working with geo-ontology.

The project aims to develop disaster information and EDER knowledge to intelligently and dynamically generate emergency countermeasures for all levels of government by furthering geographic information creation through automatic processing and intelligent service provision

Modeling and simulation method of the emergency response systems based on OODA

The paper proposes ‘scientific foundations to support the emergency response management’. (abstract). “The work in this research paper can be highlighted as three items:(1) Two kinds of emergency response frameworks are built based on OODA [Observe, Orient, Decide, Act; from military operations] loop theory.(2) Describe the emergency response mechanism based on OODA–DEVS [Discrete Event System Specification.(3) Emergency response system on earthquake is modeling and simulating based on the mentioned mechanism.” (p. 528)

Modeling the emergency evacuation of the high rise building based on the control volume model.

Simulate the dynamic change of the evacuation occupants of the mass rapid transit station.The evacuation simulation process is divided into five stages and based on the assumptions of homogeneous flow with merge flow ratio where the exit flows from different floors meet and merge.

Multi-objective evacuation routing optimization for toxic cloud releases.

This paper develops a model for assessing the risks associated with the evacuation process in response to potential chemical accidents, based on which a multi-objective evacuation routing model for toxic cloud releases is proposed taking into account that the travel speed on each arc will be affected by disaster extension.Two heuristic algorithms are proposed to solve the multi-objective evacuation routing model.

Multi-purpose 3-D Real Estate: Understanding the Role of 3-D Technology for Enhancing Resilience

The purpose of this paper is to present a three-dimensional modeling methodology that could be used by real estate professionals, urban planners, architects, emergency planners, and law enforcement agencies to better understand the impact that emergencies can cause in urban areas.present new geospatial approaches that allow real estate professionals to run and analyze different scenarios before they potentially occur,



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