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Permitir que las soluciones de gestión de crisis y catástrofes se adapten a las competencias necesarias (DRIVER+)

  1. Facilitar la expresión de las capacidades necesarias y las carencias de de los profesionales de gestión de la . Facilitar el conocimiento de estas necesidades por los propietarios de soluciones, de forma que puedan desarrollar y anunciar soluciones innovadoras que resuelvan dichas carencias. Facilitar el descubrimiento de las soluciones innovadoras que abordan las necesidades y las carencias en materia de y catástrofes.   

Overview of an exercise for evaluators (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

When conducting an exercise, evaluators play an important role in examining the workflow of the exercise. For them having information about the general setup of the exercise is necessary.

Considering evaluators in logistic preparation (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

The personal needs of exercise participants must be taken into consideration when planning the conduction of an exercise. But also the evaluators’ personal needs must not be overlooked.


Incendios forestales: aspectos sociales (DRMKC)

Para poder reducir el nivel de exposición de las comunidades locales mediante una mejor ordenación del territorio, es necesario previamente comprender de qué forma los cambios de las características socioeconómicas de la población pueden aumentar el de incendio en diferentes regiones y países.


Adequate communication technology for crisis management (STAMINA)

Recent COVID-19 has demonstrated that EU states have so far failed to endorse a solid pandemics/epidemics communication methodology, develop clear guidelines and enforce use of these guidelines in crisis situations.

As a result, the communication was often haphazard, with different organizations and authorities occasionally disagreeing in their assessments of the situation and recommendations. 



Adequate technology for communication with the public (STAMINA)

Recent COVID-19 has demonstrated that EU states have so far failed to endorse a solid pandemics/epidemics communication methodology, develop clear guidelines and enforce use of these guidelines in crisis situations. In addition, the communication with the public was also inadequate - on the one hand impeding the use of information provided by the public in crisis manageent and on the other hand causing confusion and even panic among the population at first and leading to erosion of trust in authorities, thus facilitating the rise of rumours, conspiracy theories, civil unrests and even riots. 

Time table & location map for Main Events List (MEL) / Main Incidents List (MIL) (INEGMA-E²)

In order to assure that the evaluators are present for all relevant events / injects.

Framework information - "framing the exercise" (INEGMA-E²)

  • very useful information - adds on value, pillar for exercise success
  • framework information to understand certain actions - to reach certain goals!
  • misconceptions of certain actions without knowing the general goals
  • without framework information, uncertainty rises and degrades the quality of evaluation
  • group dynamics and leadership processes, framework information helps to define this structures
  • social interactions have to be addressed (communication, etc.)
  • to know competent people during (organizational social structure of all involved people has to be focused on to better understand certain processes)
  • for "context" - available information for decision making (real vs exercise) and motivation/understanding amongst the training audience

Evaluation of safety and security (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

When conducting an exercise, the safety and security of the participants and evaluators of an exercise has an impact on the organization of the exercise and hence on its validation.

Assistance in border crossing for international participants (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH.)

When organizing an exercise with the participation of people from different countries and areas it has to be taken into account that border crossing is inevitable in order to enable the conduction of the exercise.


Incendios forestales: comportamiento de los incendios (DRMKC)

Comprender cómo reacciona un incendio a las variables de combustible verde, clima, topografía, tasa de propagación e intensidad puede ayudar tanto a luchar contra los incendios ya iniciados como a prevenirlos.




Incendios forestales: cambio climático (DRMKC)

Para determinar el potencial de adaptación y de los bosques, es importante comprender cómo afectarán los futuros cambios climáticos a los incendios forestales y a las emisiones de gases invernadero que generan, tanto en Europa como a nivel mundial.



eu El sitio web Portfolio of Solutions se desarrolló inicialmente en el marco del proyecto DRIVER+. En la actualidad, el servicio está gestionado por el AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, en beneficio de la gestión europea de . El PoS está avalado y apoyado por la Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), así como por los proyectos STAMINA y TeamAware H2020.