Publication Findings
Jordanian nurses’ perceptions of their preparedness for disaster management.

Collected through the DPET between June-October 2008600 DPET questionnaires distributed, 512 were returned (85.3% response rate)474 from these, were deemed complete and usable for the study

Knowledge, Experiences and Training Needs of Health Professionals about Disaster Preparedness and Response in Southwest Ethiopia: a cross sectional study.

Data were collected using a structured questionnaire which was developed by the investigators after reviewing the relevant literature in the field An institution based cross-sectional survey was conducted in 9 randomly selected districts out of the total of 18.

Leaders as emotional managers : Emotion management in response organisations during a hostage taking in a Swedish prison.

Participants were asked to report on their experiences of involvement in the hostage episode

Learning crisis resource management: Practicing versus an observational role in simulation training – a randomized controlled Trial.

All emergency medicine residents in postgraduate years 1–5 in both the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and College of Family Physician programs at the University of Ottawa were invited to participate in the study. Each scenario was video recorded with multi-screen video, including the  simulated patient’s vital signs Debriefing session + QuestionnaireSample size was calculated based on our primary outcome of the post-test performance comparison using the G*Power software

Managing the inconceivable: participatory assessments of impacts and responses to extreme climate change

The preparations phase includes interviews with would-be participants, the development of scenarios that outline both the sea-level-rise components and the background socioeconomic development patterns.

Mechanisms of Control in Emergent Interorganizational Networks.

The Drabek et al. data set

Modeling and representation for earthquake emergency response knowledge: perspective for working with geo-ontology.

A decision problem framework and a case study have been used as theoretical framework and an application test, respectively, to evaluate the EDER knowledge architecture and models.Together, they provide an evaluation of the knowledge architecture and corresponding models, including whether and how the architecture and models can be used for the EDER representation.Our case study example ‘Estimation of earthquake influence area and possible heavy disaster area’ focuses on a complex decision problem as mentioned in Table 1.

Modeling the emergency evacuation of the high rise building based on the control volume model.


Multi-objective evacuation routing optimization for toxic cloud releases.

Artificial  data with 20 nodes. Application of the algorithms to the graph

Multi-purpose 3-D Real Estate: Understanding the Role of 3-D Technology for Enhancing Resilience

RealSim gaming environment built within a Unity 3D usingC# and Java



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