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facs UI

FACS - Flu And Coronavirus Simulator

Agent based modelling tool to simulate spread of flu and coronavirus in a local region
WSMA pipeline

Web and Social Media Analytics (WSMA)

Tool for crawling, monitoring and processing of web and social media content and users activity
AIR Worldwide

AIR's Life and Health Models

AIR models help to anticipate the drivers of mortality and morbidity risk to facilitate optimal risk management, risk transfer, and risk mitigation decisions that align with organisation's strategic goals.
Smart Wearable Sensor Device - SmarKo

SmarKo Wearable Monitoring Tool

SmarKo, a smart wearble sensor device, that enables remote real time monitoring of health, environmental and physical activity data as well as geolocation and can transmit the measurement data to a mobile app.


a two-way, mobile phone-based communication system that uses basic text messaging, or SMS, to connect ministries of health and health workers. mHero operates on simple talk-and-text mobile devices—no smartphone or tablet required.
Flee logo

Flee - Predictive Modelling Tool

Flee is an agent-based modelling code used to model (forced) migration and other movements across country borders.

Debris Tool

The Debris Tool is a software based solution designed to amalgamate various defined inputs from the field, historic survey data and other sources, for the prediction and modelling of waste and debris removal options in a post-crisis environment.
Medical Assessment


The aim of the electronic Personal Health Record (e-PHR) and its platform is to enhance knowledge amongst stakeholders about refugees’ and migrants’ health needs
Reach52 in action

COVID-19 Information and Symptom Checker chatbot

If people know the facts and check their symptoms, they can be guided on when it’s necessary to isolate themselves, visit health facilities, or continue to follow recommended practices to slow the spread of the disease. ​​
Intelsafe mobile app


An app and website for health workers to learn how to stay safe while on the job.
Covid monitoring

Covid-19 Monitoring

Cloud-based application for monitoring people during self-isolation with probable or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
GetWell Loop

GetWell Loop

Engage all patients across their care journey through automated virtual check-ins.
Re-health front page


The aim of the IOM e-PH is to ensure that migrant health assessment records are available and to strengthen national and cross-border disease surveillance and response capacities.
DHIS2 Android

COVID-19 Surveillance Digital Data Package

nCoV Surveillance System captures demographics, immigration, symptoms of COVID-19 disease, and possible contacts at all ports of entry, for local public health officers, based on their geographic area.
Zenesis Harmony


Readily deployable virtual workspace where critical data can be used for immediate, lifesaving decisions in the COVID-19 response.
Water levels with treshold exceedances

Emergency Mapping Tool (EMT)

Easy to use CM Solution for sharing and visualisation of the crisis management information. Faciliates comminication even in multilingual cross-organisational ad-hoc setups
GLEAMviz logo

Global Epidemic and Mobility simulator (GLEAM)

The Global Epidemic and Mobility simulator (GLEAM) is a realistic simulator of infectious disease spreading and pandemic outbreaks, based on a stochastic metapopulation model that uses real-world data about census and mobility.
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.