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vieWTerra Evolution 4D Earth Viewer, data integration and development platform

vieWTerra Evolution

vieWTerra Suite is a suite of products allowing  responders to rapidly build a virtual 4D representation (3D synthetic environment+ Time dimension) of any potential Crisis area on Earth.
Psychological first aid is a method of helping poeple in distress so the feel calm and supported in coping with their challenges.

Scenario enabled Psychological First Aid (PFA) training

The scenario enabled psychological first aid (PFA) training comprises knowledge on what PFA is, guidelines on how to perform PFA and an experiential training package to.
Essential critical infrastructure workers and sectors (from

US Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce during COVID-19

Guidance for identifying the critical infrastructure sectors and the essential workers needed to maintain the critical services and functions during the COVID-19 pandemic response


Seentags accepts incoming text messages and breaks the contents up into categories, without requiring you to tell the system in advance what your categories ar
Socrates OC UI


SOCRATES OC enhances analysis and decision-making capabilities by means of an improved shared situational awareness based on relevant information about the operational situation including crisis events, missions and resources.
CHARM model

CHARM dynamiC Hospital wARd Management

dynamiC Hospital wARd Management (CHARM) is a discrete-event simulation (DES) that models dynamic reconfiguration of hospital wards for bed capacity planning facilitating continuation of normal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) operations during disease outbreaks.
The Information Protection and Secure Data Sharing Tool Architecture

Information Protection and Secure Data Sharing Blockchain Tool

An access control policy management framework implemented by capitalizing on the Blockchain technology
Forest Fire/Wildfire have specific requirements on the Disaster Management Solutions


Forest Fire/Wildfire management solution based on aerial multi-sensorsystem, data processing and resources management

Debris Tool

The Debris Tool is a software based solution designed to amalgamate various defined inputs from the field, historic survey data and other sources, for the prediction and modelling of waste and debris removal options in a post-crisis environment.
System integration via Common Information Space (CIS)


Common Information Space as Enabler for Collaboration in Disaster Management
Reach52 in action

COVID-19 Information and Symptom Checker chatbot

If people know the facts and check their symptoms, they can be guided on when it’s necessary to isolate themselves, visit health facilities, or continue to follow recommended practices to slow the spread of the disease. ​​
Intelsafe mobile app


An app and website for health workers to learn how to stay safe while on the job.
Covid monitoring

Covid-19 Monitoring

Cloud-based application for monitoring people during self-isolation with probable or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
Covid monitoring with validic solution


For employers and healthcare organizations to monitor employees, patients, and other individuals
GetWell Loop

GetWell Loop

Engage all patients across their care journey through automated virtual check-ins.

Wellvis COVID-19

Use this tool to find out your risk level to COVID-19 whether it is low, high, or medium.
Alics description


Real time data on the locaiton, quantity and availability of resources like beds, ventilators, masks and other equiptment.


Enable collaborative interventions to be planned, implemented and monitored.


DataToCare connects your remote laboratories, provides you with relevant insights through graphics and reports, and manages your inventory and quality maintenance


HealthBeats is a global Remote Vitals Monitoring platform designed to bring healthcare to home. Users take their vitals measurement with results transmitted real-time to care providers.
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.