Login information


  • Your "username" is only used for login and will not be shown to other site users. Feel free to use any name that you can easily remember.
  • Please use your company e-mail address for registration. All registration requests with public e-mail addresses (e.g. name@gmal.com) will be rejected.
En giltig e-postadress. All e-post från systemet kommer skickas till denna adress. E-postadressen kommer inte synas offentligt och kommer enbart användas när du vill ta emot ett nytt lösenord, vissa nyheter eller meddelanden via e-post.
Flera specialtecken är tillåtna, inklusive mellanslag, punkt (.), bindestreck (-), apostrof ('), understreck (_) och @-tecknet.
Public Information
This is a professional site for Crisis managers and Solution providers. Therefore, you must disclose your real name to join. Please also fill in the "profile" to explain who you are. Once you log in, you can (should) also add the company that you work for.
Please enter your full (real) name here. This name will be displayed to other users of the site.
Please add a few lines of information explaining your relation to the field of Crisis Management. E.g. your professional background, crisis management related roles and interests, reason for being here.
Ditt virtuella ansikte eller bild.
Enbart en fil.
Begränsning 100 MB.
Tillåtna filtyper: png gif jpg jpeg.
Please read the PoS Terms and Conditions and indicate that you agree with them. Most importantly:
  1. This site is for CDM professionals and other stakeholders in the CDM process.
  2. Most of the site contents are shared with a large number of people through this web site and through our affiliates.
  3. All the site contents must be factual, non-inflamatory and the person adding the content (including the illustrations!) must have the right to do it.
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.