Publication Findings
Towards a Holistic Framework for the Evaluation of Emergency Plans in Indoor Environments.

The hypothesis presented in this paper is that there has been little interest in describing the key modules that these simulators must include, such as formally represented knowledge and a realistic simulated sensor model, and especially in providing researchers with tools to reuse, extend and interconnect modules from different works.defines the main modules identified and proposes the use of semantic web technologies as a cornerstone for the aforementioned holistic framework; provides a basic methodology to achieve the framework; identifies the main challenges; and presents an open and free software tool to hint at the potential of such a holistic view of emergency plan evaluation in indoor environments.

Towards a Lightweight Approach for On-site Interaction Evaluation of Safety-critical Mobile Systems

we developed the RESCUER app, which runs on smartphones and allows the crowd to report about an emergency, thereby improving the process for rescuing humans in an emergency.The main purpose of the on-site evaluation was to assess the usability of the RESCUER app in the context of use.

Towards the development of a decision support system for multi-agency decision-making during cross-border emergencies.

(1) To use the S-HELP framework to design three scenarios(2) To test the S-HELP DSS tool-set and training modules(3) To assess the performance and impact of the S-HELP solution(4) To determine the applicability of the S-HELP solution

Traffic evacuation simulation based on multi-level driving decision model.

This paper presents a traffic evacuation simulation system based on integrated multi-level driving-decision models which generate agents’ behavior in a united framework. The proposed integrated simulation system includes four key components: geospatial manager, agent manager, behavior manager, and mission manager. Together they provide the capability to simulate complex scenarios.

Training and learning for crisis management using a virtual simulation/gaming environment.

Case Study to illustrate how virtual environments can be used for crisis management training.Show how new developments in information technology and communications can be used to create more realistic situations and lead to new tools for educating crisis managers to respond to and manage crises.

Training decision-makers in flood response with system dynamics.

The purpose of this paper is to present a training model for decision makers that covers the complexity which is inherent in decision-making processes in times of floods

Two complementary mobile technologies for disaster warning.

LIRNEasia field tested five wireless technologies, including mobile phones, in 32 tsunami affected villages in Sri Lanka; where members in the village were providedvtraining with emergency response planning and given one or more of the technologies for receiving hazard information.

Using Monte Carlo simulation to refine emergency logistics response models: a case study.

Monte Carlo simulation is a method that evaluates iteratively a deterministic model using sets of random numbers as inputs.Response simulation for the Thailand tsunami in 2004

Using Real-Time Decision Tools to Improve Distributed Decision-Making Capabilities in High-Magnitude Crisis Situations.

Case study to employ an agent-based synthetic environment to simulate a crisis event, and then use an MLSVM model to examine alternative response strategies to the simulated crisis as it unfolds.Objectives:validate the effectiveness of SVMs (support vector machines) as an automated generic IT–based decision support tool to model and improve the effectiveness of multi-organizational, collaborative decision making in high-magnitude crisis situationsexamine the anticipatory and explanatory effectiveness of a MLSVM (multistage linear SVM) algorithm that would effectively capture different patterns of behavior of decision makers in a multi-organizational setting

Using Twitter in crisis management for organizations bearing different country-of-origin perceptions.

study is using an to extrapolate the effects of social media andcountry-of-origin on consumers’ crisis appraisal

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.