Publication Findings
Teaching Critical Management Skills to Senior Nursing Students: Videotaped or Interactive Hands-On Instruction?

To record how well students performed, two independentassessors for each (faculty experienced in performing OSCEs)were in the room, out of direct sight of students

Team Coordination in Escalating Situations: An Empirical Study Using Mid-Fidelity Simulation

The simulation sessions and the debriefing sessions were video recorded.

Team regulation in a simulated medical emergency: An in-depth analysis of cognitive, metacognitive, and affective processes.

One training per year over 3 years. One team of six medical (including two observer). Out of 3 teams and 3 case simulations.

Testing a methodology to improve organizational learning about crisis communication by public organizations.

pre-tests for clarity and appropriatenesstests for usability

The effect of a simulation-based training intervention on the performance of established critical care unit teams.

Setting: A simulated critical care ward, using a high-fidelity patient simulator, in a university simulation center.At the beginning and end of the 10-hr study day, each team undertook two preintervention and two postintervention assessment simulations40 teams from critical care units within the region comprising one doctor and three nurses

The effectiveness of a disaster training programme for healthcare workers in Greece.

Source population: 224 healthcare workers in a public hospital [mix of senior and junior staff]. Final study population: 56 participants -- Power and sample size calculations showed that 46 elements were required in order to have a 90% chance of detecting as significant (at the 5% level) an absolute increase in score equal to 7%.The comparison group that was used in order to compare their results with the intervention group results included 35 individuals who did not take part in the training and were willing to complete the questionnaire.

The impact of an online interprofessional course in disaster management competency and attitude towards interprofessional learning.

The sample included undergraduate students in health and allied fields from five large, urban educational institutions.

The Rapid Disaster Evaluation System (RaDES): A Plan to Improve Global Disaster Response by Privatizing the Assessment Component.

Based on literature the article describes a framework [RaDES].

The Role of Law in Public Health Preparedness: Opportunities and Challenges.

In-person interviews with key informants [144 respondents]- state officials and officials in 2-3 local agencies- representatives from state medical and hospital associations, public health advocacy groups, …

The Role of Simulation and Modeling in Disaster Management.

The discipline of simulation modeling includes giving attention to details of system composition and entity relationships (mathematical and logical). The steps for building a simulator may be outlined as follows:1. Formulate the problem with the following leading questions.a. What operations and functions produce the systems output?b. What procedural elements exist in the systems operation?c. What interactions occur between functional units of the system?d. What information is available to characterize the operations, functions, and procedures of the system?2. Define the project goal, critical performance measures, modeling objectives, and system to be modeled (e.g., scope and level of detail)3. Specify the model.4. Construct the model.a. Define experimental controls (input and context variables)b. Construct the internal interactions (design variablesand alternatives)5. Run, verify and validate the simulation model.6. Use the simulator to produce and analyze solution alternatives.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.