Alexandre Sánchez
R+D+i Manager at CRAHI (Centre for Applied Research in Hydrometeorology), belonging to the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia).
Project Manager of the ANYWHERE H2020 Innovation Action (, which developed solutions such as Decision-Support Tools to help Emergency Command Centres facing extreme climate events (operationally tested for more than one year in 7 Pilot Sites around Europe), as well as activity-oriented self-awareness and self-protection tools to increase the resilience of citizens and communities at risk (
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4 lata 8 miesięcySolutions by this user
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Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020. |