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Seven Questions Consulting is a UK based global strategic resilience advisory consulting firm.  We help clients facing responsible for high risk critical organisations and infrastructure to refine their plans, test their plans and improve their response.   In addition to provide trusted advice we also use wargaming and open source intelligence to support our clients. We designed and developed the REDFLAG resilience wargaming methdology that has been in use by UK police since the 2012 London Olympics to refine plans, test response and train decision makers for high impact complex responses to incidents.

Reach out and we can start a conversation. 

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eu Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020.