Publication Findings
Dynamic decision support for managing regional resources: Mapping risk in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

The dynamic potential of this system could be enhanced by providing access to the system through a web service so emergency managers could conduct interactive scenario analyses remotelySignificant private and nonprofit resources exist in the region which could be incorporated into future iterations of the geodatabase and decision support system.This prototype system could be improved by adding more detailed characteristics of each facility (e.g., the number and volumetric capacity of bays at each fire station) and of the road segments (e.g., elevation profiles) that connect them

Early warning and mass evacuation in coastal cities.

A new decision-support system gathering all the knowledge about hazard and mitigation options produced in Theseus is currently being developed and will integrate the result of this work

Emergency crowd evacuation modeling and simulation framework with cellular discrete event systems.

Validating this suite of models would represent a significant steptowards the application of this suite of models in the aid of building egress design and evacuation planning for emergency control authorities.

Emergency Management Decision Making during Severe Weather.

Not all information that is currently available to EMs during severe weather was provided during the scenarios.Results of this study cannot be completely generalized to operational settings because some aspects of an EM’s responsibilities during severe weather were excluded from the scenarios

Emergency nurses and disaster response: An exploration of South Australian emergency nurses’ knowledge and perceptions of their roles in disaster response.

The findings discuss the type of disaster education and training that nurses have completed but fail to determine exactly what the stated education or training involves.

Evaluating the effectiveness of an emergency preparedness training programme for public health staff in China.

The analysis was limited to staff who were primarily engaged in disease monitoring and control, and epidemiological investigations in the CDCIt was not possible to fully determine which changes were due to the emergency preparedness training programme and which were the result of other factors

Evaluation of Medical Management During a Mass Casualty Incident Exercise: An Objective Assessment Tool to Enhance Direct Observation

Although much attention was given to making the scenario as realistic as possible, the scenario was still a simulation.The degree to which human performance during the simulation mimics behavior in a true disaster is unknown. The present evaluation system is also limited to markers of individual human performance, and does not evaluate equipment, information systems, or even patient management protocols.A three-part tool (triage, medical maneuvers, and radio usage) can provide a method to evaluate functional mass casualty incident exercises, and is easily implemented. For the best results, it should be used in conjunction with direct observation. The evaluation tool has great potential as a reproducible and internationally recognized tool for evaluating disaster management exercises.

Examining the Role of Social Media in Effective Crisis Management: The Effects of Crisis Origin, Information Form, and Source on Publics’ Crisis Responses.

experiment included only one public, college students, in a series of university crisis situations. Additional experiments are needed with different publics and different crisis situations that highly involve these publics, so as to test whether the causal effects of crisis information form and source hold valid and reliable across different publics.additional research is needed to further segment public types by media consumption habits and level of involvement with the organization in crisisimportant for future research to also explore the synergistic impact of multiple forms and sources of crisis information dissemination.

Expanding the use of simulation in open vascular surgical training

For trianing innovation define skills specific KPI’sMeasure improvement over time over these KPI’s

Expert system CRIPS: support of situation assessment and decision making

There is no discussion whatsoever of results, or comparisons to previous or related systems in this paper.



eu Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020.