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Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Logo


Organisation type

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica (ENG) is the first IT group in Italy, among the top 10 in Europe, with 12.000 employees and 55 offices worldwide. Its business units deliver state-of-the-art solutions to several markets, including Defence and Aerospace, Transports, Automotive, Energy. ENG is one of the top European innovators, with 420 researchers involved in over 80 National and European projects. The company is a very active member of European initiatives, including ECSO (cyber-security), EOS (security) and BDVA (big data).

Solutions by this organisation
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eu Il sito web Portfolio of Solutions è stato inizialmente sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto DRIVER+. Oggi, il servizio è gestito da AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, a beneficio della gestione europea delle . PoS è approvato e supportato dal Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) così come dai progetti STAMINA e TeamAware H2020.