Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are listed below.
Developing shared situational awareness for emergency management

Critical informationTo classify information, an improved versions of the classifications of information for SAR operation is used (Nissinen, 2009)Pg 4Communication-who with whom -the nature of the interaction, using four types of social context (informal/formal; face-to-face/virtual)

Design of formative evacuation plans using agent-based simulation

“….assess and improve the existing evacuation plans.” Pp. 928

eStorys: A visual storyboard system supporting back-channel communication for emergencies

Four dimensions to categorize the literature and the mashup systems:SpatialTemporalCollaborativeSituational

A container multimodal transportation scheduling approach based on immune affinity model for emergency relief

8 components and 11 affinity measures for the immune-inspired affinity model

Simulation for team training and assessment: case studies of online training with virtual worlds

Subject to each of the studies:E.g. 3rd Study: 5-point Likert-scale ratings to show confidence in ability to respond to a CBRNE incident (before and after trainings).

Obstetric simulation as a risk control strategy: course design and evaluation

Self-assessment of team performance on teamworkSelf-assessment of own performance on teamwork

Reconstruction and Exploration of Large-scale Distributed Operations – Multimedia tools for Evaluation of Emergency Management Response

The had its focus on the R&E/F-REX applicability in this new environment, perceived benefits, and experienced problems, and how it complemented traditional research methods for evaluation.

Defining Team Performance for Simulation-based Training: Methodology, Metrics, and Opportunities for Emergency Medicine

Metrics Assessing Specialty-specific Team Work.Metrics Assessing Generic Team Work.LOSA, OTAS, ANTS,CATS (see p.1092 for details)

Development and evaluation of ontology for intelligent decision support in medical emergency management for mass gatherings

Selection criteria for the ontology evaluation approaches are described. (Tble 2, pg 1197)

Expert system CRIPS: support of situation assessment and decision making

Support of the Assessment of the Current SituationSupport of Decision Making



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