Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Data collection plan are listed below.
State Mandate Influences on FEMA-Approved Hazard-Mitigation Plans Under the Disaster Management Act of 2000.

From Guideline review

Supporting community emergency management planning through a geocollaboration software architecture.

Studying local emergency management based on literatrure.In a nine-month period, we conducted eight semi-structured interviews with the coordinator of Centre Region and accompanied him at fourteen, emergency-related meetings in the community.The primary method of data collection was , which was recorded in field notes. Secondary sources of data collection included meeting documentsThe semistructured interviews focused on the emergency management coordinator’s approach to emergency management and his perception of the local activities in the community.

A dynamic decision support system based on geographical information and mobile social networks: A model for tsunami risk mitigation in Padang, Indonesia.

The actors include government policy makers, policy managers, highly influential social leaders in local communities, and policy executors and urban citizens impacted by disasters.

Decentralized Coordination in RoboCup Rescue.

Artificial data. No real world scenario application.

A Procedural Construction Method for Interactive Map Symbols Used for Disasters and Emergency Response.

To demonstrate the capapbilities and practicality of the proposed method, this aritcal uses the disaster and response of the Wenchuan earthquake as an example. The experiments were designed based on the disaster and the response that occurred 72 h after the earthquake. Most of this information is queried from Guangming Online The disaster information was dynamically updated after the earthquake occurred.

Multi-objective evacuation routing optimization for toxic cloud releases.

Artificial  data with 20 nodes. Application of the algorithms to the graph

Giving meaning to tweets in emergency situations: a semantic approach for filtering and visualizing social data.

Case Studies: Hurricane Sandy (500.000 Tweets), Nepal Earthquake event (822 tweets)

Interoperable architecture for joint real/virtual training in emergency management using the MPEG-V standard.

Real world data translated in the MPEG-V VR Format.

Application of Traffic Simulation Modeling for Improved Emergency Preparedness Planning.

The coded road network consist of a total of 2304 nodes and 2708 links that represent approximately 50mi of roadways and 20 mi of arterial streets.All missing traffic and geometric data were obtained from field studies and coded into CORSIM.

Forming a global monitoring mechanism and a spatiotemporal performance model for geospatial services.

This model is tested to support GIService selection in global spatial data infrastructures (SDIs)To collect globally distributed performance information, we designed a new monitoring mechanism by utilizing volunteer and cloud computingBy crawling GIService information from a number of popular SDIswe obtained 3188 (WMS), 328 (WFS) and 41 (WCS) addresses, which provide XML-based descriptions of web service interfacesMore than 80,000 spatial data set were retrieved from these OGC



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