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Emergency transportation network design problem: Identification and evaluation of disaster response routes

Nikoo, Nariman ; Babaei, Mohsen ; Mohaymany, Afshin Shariat

Since disasters have considerable effects on transportation networks, the functionality of an emergency transportation network can play an important role in mitigation phase, especially in developing countries that sometimes suffer the sad experience of almost complete destruction of several cities. Transportation related disaster response activities typically include search and rescue, emergency medical care and fire-fighting trips. In this paper, the emergency transportation network design problem is proposed to determine the optimal network to perform emergency response trips with high priority in the aftermath of earthquakes. The problem has three objective functions designated to identify the optimal routes for emergency vehicles considering the length, the travel time and the number of paths as performance metrics of network vulnerability. A combined approach for considering the three objectives including weighted sum and lexicographic methods is used. The proposed model is solved using a branch-and-cut method. The suggested method is tested on the well-known Sioux-Falls network as well as on the real-world network of Tehran metropolis, Iran. Computational experiments are conducted to examine the effects of varying the maximum network length, and the relative weights of other objectives.

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Computational experiments ( multiple objective functions are transformed into a single objective function. Then, the single-objective form of the ETNDP has been solved using the branch-and-cut algorithm

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Literature review, multi-objective programming modeling, case study


- Length of network- Total travel time- Total passing path link


The network preparation part includes three main stages: determination ofnode and links (step 1), creation of connector (supplementary) links (step 2), and determination of emergency trip sets (step 3). The optimization part includes: initialization (step 4) and development of the (three-objective) ETNDP model (step 5)

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Modeling Step 0: InitializeStep 1: Build pathsStep 2: Build single-objective form of the ETNDStep 3: Solve modelStep 4: Evaluate

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The emergency transportation network design problem is proposed to determine the optimal network to perform emergency response trips with high priority in the aftermath of earthquakes

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This paper has proposed a model for the emergency transportation network design problem that is useful in developing pre-disaster plans for controlling the network in order to carry out emergency response activities after an earthquake. The model can also be used for identifying critical routes

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The model performance is analyzed using two transportation networks:the well-known Sioux-Falls network, for proving the eligibility of the optimization model, to demonstrate the concepts better, and for vulnerability analysis, and the Tehran real-world network, to show the applicability of the proposed approach in modeling large-scale networks with detailed information on quality and efficiency.



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