Lead organisation
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Trial Description

Hollandi toimub Haagis ja keskendub üleujutuse stsenaariumile, mis mõjutab osa Haaglandeni ohutuspiirkonnast ja umbes 500 000 inimest. Triali peamine eesmärk on leida ja testida lahendusi ressursside kavandamiseks, kriisidega seotud teabe vahetamiseks ning linnapiirkondade elanike ulatusliku evakueerimise kavandamiseks ja juhtimiseks. korraldatakse teoreetilise õppusena, mis põhineb simuleeritud keskkonnal.

Trial objective 1

The objective is to improve the capability to plan and coordinate resources for response during large scale and long-term crisis. Aimed at police for logistical reasons.

Trial objective 2

The objective is to improve the ability to exchange crisis-related information among all organizations that might have a role or that might be affected during a crisis, which is currently sub-optimal in the Netherlands due to non-technical reasons.

Trial objective 3

The objective is to improve the planning and management of large-scale evacuation of population in urban areas.

No content has been made publicly available so far.
Trial type
Table top trial
Crisis size
Crisis Cycle Phase
Trial Location
Trial illustrations
Üleujutuse stsenaarium Haagis
Incident category
Floods (any)
Power grid collapse
Telecommunications failures
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.