Publication Findings
Assessment of the reliability of the Johns Hopkins/Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality hospital disaster drill evaluation tool.

This study was limited by the small number of hospitals and the modest number of pairs. Because only 6 of 17 hospitals agreed to participate, there is a possibility the hospitals were not representative.

Barriers to implementing infection prevention and control guidelines during crises: Experiences of health care professionals.

Because the reported barriers might be different from those observed during outbreaks, they should be regarded as a proxy for reality.

Building Capacity for Community Disaster Preparedness: A Call for Collaboration Between Public Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs. (Cover story)

The EH and EPR administrators recognize many barriers to direct community engagement in general.EH professionals feel disconnected from planning and see themselves as too busy conducting feefor-service activities

Building health care system capacity to respond to disasters: successes and challenges of disaster preparedness health care coalitions.

Due to the small study sample size, these findings may not begeneralizable to all -focused HCCs.While participants were very forthcoming in their responses to the interview questions, bias is often inherent in self-report interviews.

Burn Disaster Response Planning in New York City: Updated Recommendations for Best Practices.

Operational feasibility of these guidelines has not yet been tested nor established

Challenges in coordination: differences in perception of civil and military organizations by comparing international scientific literature and field experiences.

It is necessary to discuss the generalizability and validity of the findings internationally.

Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER): An Innovative Emergency Management Tool in the United States.

CASPER trainings are successful in increasing epidemiology skills. CASPER can be used by Public Health program awardees to help build and sustain preparedness and capabilities.CASPER is an effective and frequently employed for public health managementThe use of CASPER as a public health emergency preparedness and can increase state and local public health emergency response capacities.Although originally designed for response, CASPERs can be used throughout the disaster life cycle and in nondisaster situations, and they can can contribute to informing jurisdictional assessmentsSome areas have been indentified for future improvementThe majority (80.0%) of CASPERs did not document implementation of recommendations based on CASPER findings.Disseminating CASPER findings and sharing with the wider public health community are important to highlight common problems and opportunities for improvement that exist across many communities

Context-based automatic reconstruction and texturing of 3D urban terrain for quick-response tasks.

However, this procedure for reconstructing roofs has problems if there are many flat roofs and many outliers in the data.

Context-Specific, Scenario-Based Risk Scales.

We were unable to gather more information about these possible causes.

Conventional Medical Education and the History of Simulation in Radiology

According to the authors, further work is required to validate some of the tools so that they can be used to document proficiency.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.