Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Methodological Lessons Learned are listed below.
Developing shared situational awareness for emergency management

When collecting the critical information needs with questionnaires, we faced some challenges. The response rate was only 25% and the responses were not as specific as we expected. This led to an extra comment round for subject matter experts. The definition of the critical information elements was especially challenging for the human agents. One reason might be that part of the SA is based on tacit knowledge and thus difficult to specify, even though actors knew what they need. Other reason can be that the information sharing processes are not fully established. By specifying the critical information needs, we know what information elements need to be shared in minimum to perform the core tasks.The method of observing different types of communication andmodeling of the social contexts approved to be useful. It enablesthe observation and graphical presentation of how actors communicate. It can also be used to improve communication processes to better support the SSA. A limitation in the method is that communication is modeled as static social contexts. Therefore, the communication is modeled as it occurs at a particular moment in the situation, even though the situation changes during the operation.Another limitation is that the activity level of the communicationprocesses is not shown in the social context model. Therefore, allsocial contexts seem to be equally important in the graphical model,which may cause misunderstandings.The observation method that was used in this study is not sufficient to obtain a comprehensive and quantitative understanding about the level of trust in the cooperation. Therefore, it could be useful if human agents could themselves first evaluate the level of trust in each of those components. This evaluation could be done formally in the next SAR exercise.

Scenario-based design: A method for connecting information system design with public health operations and emergency management

Resource management systems exist for clinical settings, an open-source or commercial system that meets public health needs for integrating and visualizing employee data from different sources to assist with decision-making was n.a..( An existing open-source public health GIS tool to support the scenarios of use was modified: Prototype developed: Continuity of Operations Data Analysis (CODA)Validated through formative evaluation using a think-aloud protocolCODA provides resource management and location information about staff at public health centers.

A container multimodal transportation scheduling approach based on immune affinity model for emergency relief

The decisional rules and dedicate models based on the affinity model should be studied to improve the current structure. Although the path optimization model has considered the cost and time, there are many other criteria of emergency logistics that should be incorporated and compared.It is applicable to design a decision support system based on the affinity model and the optimization model

Simulation for team training and assessment: case studies of online training with virtual worlds

The authors recognize that these studies concern team training in emergency medicine and are not for surgical teams; however, they assert that the virtual world concepts and methods are applicable to both.The key technology issue is identifying and using a software platform onto which an application can easily be built.

Obstetric simulation as a risk control strategy: course design and evaluation

There may be other models of communication and teamwork education that are also effective. Using self-report to evaluate transfer of training to the real domain has inherent limitations (e.g. learned tend to overestimate their performance and over attribute their improvements to the course).The use of self-reports to evaluate courses is a relatively weak measure of effectiveness compared with other forms of testing.

Reconstruction and Exploration of Large-scale Distributed Operations – Multimedia tools for Evaluation of Emergency Management Response

Work to incorporate metadata with raw F-REX data has recently startedThe metadata component is a first step toward developing and integrating a solid analysis tool with F-REXWork has also been initiated to make the R&E methodology as such further formalized with regard to the preparatory study design, the data collection, and the analysis phases.Because the original version of F-REX is somewhat complex and requires training of its operators, work is presently done to provide a lighter version stored on a DVD and showing examples.

An assessment of activity-based modeling and simulation for applications in operational studies, disaster preparedness, and homeland security

only a few of the models have the desired characteristics of fine spatial and temporal resolutions as well as explicit cognitive-behavioral capabilities

Defining Team Performance for Simulation-based Training: Methodology, Metrics, and Opportunities for Emergency Medicine

Teamwork is dynamic and complex, requiring an evaluation strategy that is dynamic as well.More research is needed to develop high-performing metrics.

Development and evaluation of ontology for intelligent decision support in medical emergency management for mass gatherings

Despite an increasing number of ontologies, there is still no generic agreement on how they can be constructed in the most efficient way to facilitate better knowledge management and decision-making.its usefulness to increase the efficiency of communication between emergency medical personnel in mass gatherings.intend to target mobile applications and implement ontology-based decisions support for MEM in mass gatherings that can operate on mobile devices as extension to the proposed approach

Expert system CRIPS: support of situation assessment and decision making

There is no discussion whatsoever of results, or comparisons to previous or related systems in this paper.



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