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*This solution description wasn't provided by it's owner.
This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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Communicate with and receive messages from beneficiaries by building custom interactive voice response systems (IVR) and hotlines.

Verboice allows you to communicate with and receive messages from beneficiaries by building custom interactive voice response systems (IVR) and hotlines. With Verboice’s visual call flow builder you can harness a variety of functional options to start listening and responding to the voice of your users.  Record and receive messages in any language or dialect, allow for prompts and responses via the user’s mobile phone keypad and visualize or export data from incoming calls.

Supported Use Cases

Build with a visual designer

Use a simple click-and-drag interface to set up a call flow and connect with a hotline number

Related CM functions

Verboice workflow

Visualize call data

All calls are recorded and can be downloaded in CSV format for data visualization and analysis.

Related CM functions

Verboice calls stastisics



eu Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt.