Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Trial objectives are listed below.
Increasing emergency medicine residents' confidence in disaster management: use of an emergency department simulator and an expedited curriculum.

A simulation-based curriculum was developed. The curriculum included four group exercises in which the participants developed a disaster plan for a simulated hospital. This was followed by a disaster simulation using the Disastermed.Ca Emergency Disaster Simulator computer software Version 3.5.2

Educating the Next Generation to Respond to a Bioterrorism Event.

We describe a workshop that included a tabletop scenario exercise to familiarize a mix of graduate, undergraduate, and high school students with systems analysis and decision making during real-world events

Context-Specific, Scenario-Based Risk Scales.

Rank different scenarios of coal mine emergencies by survey participants.The survey asked respondents how they would respond to a given mine emergency scenario, to rank order the scenarios, and then to provide demographic information about themselves.

25 Years of MCDA in nuclear emergency management.

Summary development of all phases of emergency management from the early phases in which a threat is detected to years and decades after the accident, 25 years after the Chernobly event with focus on decision making and public response. Referencing many different studies.

Investing in Disaster Management Capabilities versus Pre-positioning Inventory: A New Approach to Disaster Preparedness

By comparing a scenario without preparedness with one in which supplies have been pre-positioned in the country and one in which investments in disaster management capabilities (DMC) have been made, we demonstrate the strong improvement potential of disaster preparedness activities.

Proposing 'the burns suite' as a novel simulation tool for advancing the delivery of burns education.

We explored this concept in a burns scenario in a novel, low-cost, high-fidelity, portable, immersive simulation environment (referred to as distributed simulation). This contextualized simulation/distributed simulation combination was named “The Burns Suite” (TBS)A pediatric burn resuscitation scenario was selected after high trainee demand.

Using Real-Time Decision Tools to Improve Distributed Decision-Making Capabilities in High-Magnitude Crisis Situations.

Case study to employ an agent-based synthetic environment to simulate a crisis event, and then use an MLSVM model to examine alternative response strategies to the simulated crisis as it unfolds.Objectives:validate the effectiveness of SVMs (support vector machines) as an automated generic IT–based decision support tool to model and improve the effectiveness of multi-organizational, collaborative decision making in high-magnitude crisis situationsexamine the anticipatory and explanatory effectiveness of a MLSVM (multistage linear SVM) algorithm that would effectively capture different patterns of behavior of decision makers in a multi-organizational setting

Disaster Preparedness in Philippine Nurses.

A questionnaire study with 170 Philippine nurses.The paper describe the results of a questionnaire and compare based on literature the preparation of nurses in the Philippine and the assessment of the knowledgebase of the nurse.

Mechanisms of Control in Emergent Interorganizational Networks.

Understanding the role of network structure in the emergence of control between organizations in disrupted settings.

Improving Communication in Crisis Management by Evaluating the Relevance of Messages.

Task-Adaptive Information Distribution (TAID) systemdevelopment and exercise.The purpose of the TAID system is to assess the relevance of information for responders in a crisis from their task descriptions, their roles, information about their locations and the content of their communication.



eu Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020.