Increasing emergency medicine residents' confidence in disaster management: use of an emergency department simulator and an expedited curriculum. | Summary
A simulation-based curriculum was developed. The curriculum included four group exercises in which the participants developed a disaster plan for a simulated hospital. This was followed by a disaster simulation using the Disastermed.Ca Emergency Disaster Simulator computer software Version 3.5.2 |
Educating the Next Generation to Respond to a Bioterrorism Event. | Summary
We describe a workshop that included a tabletop scenario exercise to familiarize a mix of graduate, undergraduate, and high school students with systems analysis and decision making during real-world events |
Context-Specific, Scenario-Based Risk Scales. | Summary
Rank different scenarios of coal mine emergencies by survey participants.The survey asked respondents how they would respond to a given mine emergency scenario, to rank order the scenarios, and then to provide demographic information about themselves. |
25 Years of MCDA in nuclear emergency management. | Summary
Summary development of all phases of emergency management from the early phases in which a threat is detected to years and decades after the accident, 25 years after the Chernobly event with focus on decision making and public response. Referencing many different studies. |
Investing in Disaster Management Capabilities versus Pre-positioning Inventory: A New Approach to Disaster Preparedness | Summary
By comparing a scenario without preparedness with one in which supplies have been pre-positioned in the country and one in which investments in disaster management capabilities (DMC) have been made, we demonstrate the strong improvement potential of disaster preparedness activities. |
Proposing 'the burns suite' as a novel simulation tool for advancing the delivery of burns education. | Summary
We explored this concept in a burns scenario in a novel, low-cost, high-fidelity, portable, immersive simulation environment (referred to as distributed simulation). This contextualized simulation/distributed simulation combination was named “The Burns Suite” (TBS)A pediatric burn resuscitation scenario was selected after high trainee demand. |
Using Real-Time Decision Tools to Improve Distributed Decision-Making Capabilities in High-Magnitude Crisis Situations. | Summary
Case study to employ an agent-based synthetic environment to simulate a event, and then use an MLSVM model to examine alternative response strategies to the simulated crisis as it unfolds.Objectives:validate the effectiveness of SVMs (support vector machines) as an automated generic IT–based decision support tool to model and improve the effectiveness of multi-organizational, collaborative decision making in high-magnitude crisis situationsexamine the anticipatory and explanatory effectiveness of a MLSVM (multistage linear SVM) algorithm that would effectively capture different patterns of behavior of decision makers in a multi-organizational setting |
Disaster Preparedness in Philippine Nurses. | Summary
A questionnaire study with 170 Philippine nurses.The paper describe the results of a questionnaire and compare based on literature the preparation of nurses in the Philippine and the assessment of the knowledgebase of the nurse. |
Mechanisms of Control in Emergent Interorganizational Networks. | Summary
Understanding the role of network structure in the emergence of control between organizations in disrupted settings. |
Improving Communication in Crisis Management by Evaluating the Relevance of Messages. | Summary
Task-Adaptive Information Distribution (TAID) systemdevelopment and exercise.The purpose of the TAID system is to assess the relevance of information for responders in a from their task descriptions, their roles, information about their locations and the content of their communication. |
El sitio web Portfolio of Solutions se desarrolló inicialmente en el marco del proyecto DRIVER+. En la actualidad, el servicio está gestionado por el AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, en beneficio de la gestión europea de . El PoS está avalado y apoyado por la Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), así como por los proyectos STAMINA y TeamAware H2020. |