Lo sentimos, pero este contenido no tiene traducción para el idioma seleccionado. El contenido se enseñará en Inglés.

Dear Pos/TGT users,

We are currently translating (most of) the PoS/TGT contents to German. If everything goes well, the “Christmas edition” of the PoS should feature German translations of the front page, menus, gaps, solutions, taxonomy terms, user profiles, organization profiles, CDM terminology, and possibly also trials and help texts.

This will give your contents (solutions, trials) even more visibility and help the practitioners and other CDM stakeholders that aren't proficient in English. Additional languages will be added once the German version of the site has been fully tested(*). 

For discussion and more information, please join our next webinar on 12/12/2019.

Generic site search

We have implemented a new full-site search for users, organizations, gaps, solutions, trials and more on the development site. While not as powerful as the dedicated solution search, such generic search could help new users to easily discover whatever they are looking for. Which opens another question: since new “organizations” and “users” pages are quite presentable and useful, should we allow anonymous users to see your user profiles and contact you using the contact form?



eu El sitio web Portfolio of Solutions se desarrolló inicialmente en el marco del proyecto DRIVER+. En la actualidad, el servicio está gestionado por el AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, en beneficio de la gestión europea de . El PoS está avalado y apoyado por la Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), así como por los proyectos STAMINA y TeamAware H2020.