Publication Findings
A nature-inspired decentralized trust model to reduce information unreliability in complex disaster relief operations

A reputation-based scheme, incorporated in a group membership protocol, is being used for to establish trust among first responders. A nature-inspired activation mechanism is also proposed for trust-based information dissemination on top of the trust model. Experimental results indicate fast and robust establishment of trust and high resilience to the spread of unreliable information.

A priority driven ABC approach to the emergency management of high energy pelvic trauma improves decision making in simulated patient scenarios.

Using an initialled ABC acronym as a teaching method improves both clinician’s recall and prioritisation when discussing pelvic trauma in examination scenarios.

A Procedural Construction Method for Interactive Map Symbols Used for Disasters and Emergency Response.

The demonstrates a powerful capacity of the produced interactive map symbol, and these symbols will contribute to the improvement of mapping efficiency and representation capability.

A reassessment and review of the Bam earthquake five years onward: what was done wrong?

A comprehensive disaster management plan must not belimited only to the relief phase, but rather must include preparedness,recovery with optimal legislation and budgeting,improvement of healthcare facilities, and provision of organizedcommunication channels between the different governmentaldepartments.

A Review of Critical Infrastructure Interdependency Simulation and Modelling for the Caribbean.

At this stage of development, use of open source, highly customisable tools such as I2Sim are the best options for Caribbean countries since they rely on reduced order data sets that do not demand detailed knowledge of infrastructure operations and are supported by academic institutions in the region.

A risk assessment tool for improving safety standards and emergency management in Italian onshore wind farms

The risk level of each farm was obtained.  Besides, analyzing 56 cases it is possible to highlight which indicators are generally characterized by high risk. Key contribution is the relationship between the risks and their factors.The results obtained provide an overview of the crucial factors for optimizing the emergency management process in onshore wind farms at national level. The policy outcome: ANEV has signed a framework agreement with INAL, Italian government agency for the insurance against work-related injuries.

A service oriented architecture for decision support systems in environmental crisis management

It was proposed a QoS-aware service oriented architecture suitable for geospatial information management systems targeted in planning and crisis management. The proposed architecture supports QoS guarantees for delivering geospatial information, which is a very important aspect for decision making and addressing a case of emergency. Furthermore, the proposed architecture exploits added-value service components to go further from simply presenting spatial data, and include services such as environmental simulation models and logistics. Finally, presentation aspects are discussed that enable efficient vector based image representation of GML compatible geospatial contentUsing these specifications, one can create geospatial service oriented architectures, which retain the main principles of web services using, however, different data description languages able to handle geospatial properties, which are a key element in environmental information management systems.

A Simulation Tool for Examining the Effect of Communications on Disaster Response in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Results indicate that the order in which technologies are accessed can have a significant impact on the delay times involved in effecting an emergency response.

A Socio-Physical Approach to Systemic Risk Reduction in Emergency Response and Preparedness.

The introduced socio-physical approach has diverse application to many different areas of emergency response and preparedness, including the following.Education and training. Modeling and simulation of what-if scenarios. Stress-testing the system prior to an emergency. Building the system’s capacity to cope with disruptions more effectively and efficiently.Improving communication between stakeholders. Creating a more collaborative and coordinated environment for response.

A survey of the practice of nurses' skills in Wenchuan earthquake disaster sites: implications for disaster training.

Top 5 nursing skills in order of training need:Mass casualty transportationEmergency managementHaemostasis, bandaging, fixation, manual handlingObservation and monitoringMass casualty triageFive items identified as the most vital and essential skills for nurses to possess at the site of disaster, and these should be considered as the core elements of disaster management training.



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