Publication Findings
Application of Traffic Simulation Modeling for Improved Emergency Preparedness Planning.

The coded road network consist of a total of 2304 nodes and 2708 links that represent approximately 50mi of roadways and 20 mi of arterial streets.All missing traffic and geometric data were obtained from field studies and coded into CORSIM.

Applying Analytical Hierarchy Process to Supplier Selection and Evaluation in the Hospitality Industry: A Multiobjective Approach

Surveys to validate the items on the list of factors (235 surveys sent)23 invalid (discarded)212 valid responses

Assessing and improving cross-border chemical incident preparedness and response across Europe.

Collection of publicly-available information regarding each MS (e.g. treaties and agreements)Web-based survey [81 completed vs. 514 sent] from 26 Member StatesTwo international workshops were then held to solicit feedback from experts from a range of organisations

Assessing the reliability and the expected performance of a network under disaster risk.

Input data include themost likely disaster scenarios as well as the probability that eachlink of the network fails under each

Assessment of the reliability of the Johns Hopkins/Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality hospital disaster drill evaluation tool.

Data were obtained from the disaster drill evaluation form from each of the observers and recorded on a closed response data collection form.

Atmospheric dispersion and impact modeling systems: How are they perceived as support tools for nuclear crises management?

Semi-structured interviews have been conducted in 2012–2013 with representatives of the French civilian protection community taking part in the emergency response (total of 8)

Barriers to implementing infection prevention and control guidelines during crises: Experiences of health care professionals.

Questionnaires tailored to 4 groups: consultant microbiologists (M), infectionpreventionists (IP), public health physicians (PHP), and public health nurses (PHN)

Building Capacity for Community Disaster Preparedness: A Call for Collaboration Between Public Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs. (Cover story)

In the qualitative study, in-depth semistructured interviews were conducted with top-level EH (n = 8) and EPR (n = 6) administrators and managers. Participants were selected by nonprobability purposive sampling methods.The key informant interviews were conducted by trained interviewers at EH or EPR administrative offices in June to August 2010. Prior to being interviewed, participants were asked to read and sign an informed consent approved by the Loma Linda University institutional review board. Each interviewer was accompanied by one or two note takers and the interview was audiotaped.

Building health care system capacity to respond to disasters: successes and challenges of disaster preparedness health care coalitions.

Questions regarding hospital- and public-health-preparedness capabilities were derived from HPP and PHEP grant materials, and input on the questionnaire was sought and obtained from the ASPR National Health Care Preparedness Programs. The final survey was also pilot tested with a local HCC leader who was not a respondent in this study.

Challenges in coordination: differences in perception of civil and military organizations by comparing international scientific literature and field experiences.

 systematic literature review - empirical data were collected Semi-structured interviews allowed to include ‘subjective theories’, spontaneously mentioned by the interviewees while answering open questionsThe interviews were conducted personally or on Skype, based on the availability of the interviewee.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.