Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) are listed below.
A priority driven ABC approach to the emergency management of high energy pelvic trauma improves decision making in simulated patient scenarios.

Pelvic assessment criteria

Validity evidence of non-technical skills assessment instruments in simulated anaesthesia crisis management.

LeadershipProblem-solvingSituation awarenessResource utilizationCommunication

The effect of a simulation-based training intervention on the performance of established critical care unit teams.

Bahavioral factors:“Leadership and Team Coordination”Verbalizing Situational Information”

Interprofessional non-technical skills for surgeons in disaster response: A qualitative study of the Australian perspective.

Non-technical skills for surgeons in disaster response classified in 3 categories:Austere environment skillsCognitive strategiesInterprofessional skills

REACT: A paraprofessional training program for first responders-A pilot study.

Measures considered:DemographicsKnowledgeREACT PSP self-efficacyGeneral self-efficacyAttitudes and expectations of REACTResilience

Crisis leadership in an acute clinical setting: christchurch hospital, new zealand ICU experience following the february 2011 earthquake.

Three core formal crisis-leadership themes identified:Decision-makingAbility to remain calmEffective communicationInformal leadership:Motivation to LeadAutonomyEmotional LeadershipCrisis as an OpportunityShared Leadership:within Formal Medical and Nursing Leadership Groupsbetween Formal and Informal Leaders in the ICU

Development and evaluation of an offshore oil and gas Emergency Response Focus Board

Time-out session accuracySpeed, accuracy, and SA level of responseOffshore experience and response timeSA self-ratingLimitations of the ERFB

Assessment of the reliability of the Johns Hopkins/Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality hospital disaster drill evaluation tool.

Two hundred items from the tool were dichotomously coded as indicating better versus poorer

A survey of the practice of nurses' skills in Wenchuan earthquake disaster sites: implications for disaster training.

rescue skills

The Rapid Disaster Evaluation System (RaDES): A Plan to Improve Global Disaster Response by Privatizing the Assessment Component.

RaDES Field Teams essential tasks:DeployIdentifyCollectTransmit information to their Command Center for dissemination



eu Il sito web Portfolio of Solutions è stato inizialmente sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto DRIVER+. Oggi, il servizio è gestito da AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, a beneficio della gestione europea delle . PoS è approvato e supportato dal Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) così come dai progetti STAMINA e TeamAware H2020.