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WHO simulation exercise manual: a practical guide and tool for planning, conducting and evaluating simulation exercises for outbreaks and public health emergency preparedness and response

The purpose of the WHO simulation exercise manual is to support the development and management of an effective, fit-for-purpose exercise program. The manual adopts a project management approach and is intended for use as a ready reference toolkit, with adaptable templates for developing, implementing and evaluating exercise projects. This manual complements existing WHO exercise methodologies, helping ensure common understandings and approaches across the organization. It describes how exercise teams work, and can supplement future training courses for WHO staff, ministries of health, governments, and preparedness and response partners.

Supported Use Cases

National emergency simulation trainings

The exercise manual can be used as a guide for the development, implementation and evaluation of nationwide simulation exercise projects regarding outbreaks and public health emergencies that include the cooperation of rescue services, police and fire departments as well as federal armed forces and ministries of health.

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eu Il sito web Portfolio of Solutions è stato inizialmente sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto DRIVER+. Oggi, il servizio è gestito da AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, a beneficio della gestione europea delle . PoS è approvato e supportato dal Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) così come dai progetti STAMINA e TeamAware H2020.