Publication Findings
Teaching Critical Management Skills to Senior Nursing Students: Videotaped or Interactive Hands-On Instruction?

Small sample sizeStudents were tested at only 3 stations

Team regulation in a simulated medical emergency: An in-depth analysis of cognitive, metacognitive, and affective processes.

Not generalizable because only one medical scenario and team was analyzed.

Testing a methodology to improve organizational learning about crisis communication by public organizations.

It also presents a series of first test findings but not as yet the results of improvements initiated by using the instrument.The indicators were considered relevant and important but too many in number. Therefore, a possibility to use the instrument in three separate parts, relating respectively to the period before, during and after a crisis, should be offered.

The effect of a simulation-based training intervention on the performance of established critical care unit teams.

A larger sample size may have demonstrated a difference, but our study suggests that it is equally effective to use a mix of (case-based learning) CBL and (simulation-based learning) SBL.

The effectiveness of a disaster training programme for healthcare workers in Greece.

The opportunistic selection process that was used in order to include individualsin the comparison group was open to selection bias.Relatively small number of participants in the training resulted in reduced power in the subgroup analysis.External validity of the study was poor because the training course that was developed cannot be used by hospitals worldwide without being adjusted first.

The impact of an online interprofessional course in disaster management competency and attitude towards interprofessional learning.

It is possible that students, completing the two, 29-item post-course RIPLS surveys, one directly after another, did not read the negatively worded items carefully and demonstrated response set bias.

The Rapid Disaster Evaluation System (RaDES): A Plan to Improve Global Disaster Response by Privatizing the Assessment Component.

Whereas simulations can demonstrate RaDES efficacy and weaknesses, only funding an agency to prepare teams and field test them will demonstrate its practicability.implementation faces logistical, funding, and political obstacles.

The use of emergency operations centres in local government emergency management.

36 out of 73 organizations of New Zealand participated and 12 North American organizations [relatively small sample size]Instances of difference across questions in participants’ answers might be possible due to mis-readings or misinterpretations.

The workpad user interface and methodology: Developing smart and effective mobile applications for emergency operators

Methods applied are useful


Future work: In future we plan to improve the traffic model by implementation of multilane roads, by more precise capturing of a human behavior (trust, panics). Second future plans’ direction refers to implementation of additional scenarios and DSS types. Scenario 5. Navigation system with flood dynamics forecast. Scenario 6. The scenario extends the last one with forecast of road load dynamics. The forecast can be obtained by a simulation with traffic models or by use of central collaborative information storage. Scenario 7. based on the system-optimal approach to planning the evacuation Scenario 8. with capability for agents to communicate with their friends by mobile phones in order to share the information on flood dynamics.



eu Le site web Portfolio of Solutions a été initialement développé dans le cadre du projet DRIVER+. Aujourd'hui, le service est géré par AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, au profit de l'European Crisis Management. Le PoS est approuvé et soutenu par le Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) ainsi que par les projets STAMINA et TeamAware H2020.