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This solution participated in a Driver+ Trial


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The CAE GESI-SiTA classroom trainer offers a unique foundation to experience and learn tactical basics at a new level of detail and interactivity.

Specifically designed for academies, CAE GESI-SiTA allows the student to become more immersed than before in real-world scenarios and in-depth tactical training.

The CAE GESI-SiTA classroom trainer supports flexible, easy to define setups, allowing self/individual, instructor-led or even collaborative training in working groups, fully configurable by the user. Using simulation technology, the tactical content expands upon previously limited teaching methods to deliver a higher level of transparency by visualizing the opportunities and constraints an operational situation presents.

CAE’s GESI-SiTA allows to simulate and train for a wide range of possible disasters, such as natural and manmade disasters, acts of terror, epidemics and pandemics and and other crisis scenarios. The classroom system allows for replay and review of entire crisis scenarios and illustrates key criteria such as logistic situations, medical support, injured etc. Results become retraceable and credible with tactical outcomes more comprehensible.

Supported Use Cases

Training of future decision makers and crisis managers

The CAE GESI-SiTA classroom trainer supports flexible, easy to define setups, allowing self/individual, instructor-led or even collaborative training in working groups, fully configurable by the user. Using simulation technology, the tactical content expands upon previously limited teaching methods to deliver a higher level of transparency by visualizing the opportunities and constraints an operational situation presents.

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eu Le site web Portfolio of Solutions a été initialement développé dans le cadre du projet DRIVER+. Aujourd'hui, le service est géré par AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, au profit de l'European Crisis Management. Le PoS est approuvé et soutenu par le Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) ainsi que par les projets STAMINA et TeamAware H2020.