Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Methodological Lessons Learned are listed below.
Supporting synthesis in geovisualization.

Supporting synthesis will require flexible tools that allow for diverse approaches and creativity.

Task force deployment for big events

Although, besides the relocation problem, all these problems are theoretically hard to optimize, computational studies revealed that instances of practical relevance can be solved optimally in short time using standard software.


Future work: In future we plan to improve the traffic model by implementation of multilane roads, by more precise capturing of a human behavior (trust, panics). Second future plans’ direction refers to implementation of additional scenarios and DSS types. Scenario 5. Navigation system with flood dynamics forecast. Scenario 6. The scenario extends the last one with forecast of road load dynamics. The forecast can be obtained by a simulation with traffic models or by use of central collaborative information storage. Scenario 7. based on the system-optimal approach to planning the evacuation Scenario 8. with capability for agents to communicate with their friends by mobile phones in order to share the information on flood dynamics.

Modeling the emergency evacuation of the high rise building based on the control volume model.

In order to better align to the real-world evacuation process and understand the dynamics of the evacuees in time scale, it is expected that recent experimental studies on how walking speed and coefficient of flow rate changed can be built in this model in the foreseeable future.

Building Capacity for Community Disaster Preparedness: A Call for Collaboration Between Public Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness and Response Programs. (Cover story)

The EH and EPR administrators recognize many barriers to direct community engagement in general.EH professionals feel disconnected from preparedness planning and see themselves as too busy conducting feefor-service activities

Developing Disaster Preparedness Competence: An Experiential Learning Exercise for Multiprofessional Education.

Placement of disaster preparedness within the curriculum is important. Curriculum designers and administrators must think carefully about how and where to integrate this new content into existing curriculum.The prereading program was overly ambitious. Prereadings must be carefully selected, prioritized, and made easily accessible to optimize use of participants’ time.The students accurately assessed the weakness of 3 of the 15 facilitators. Few faculty members have deep knowledge of emergency preparedness, a system perspective of their communities, or familiarity with the various response functions.Some of the written comments reflect some students’ expectation that they should be fed information in lectures and told what, out of everything presented, they are required to know for an exam. The exercise was very uncomfortable for these students, as it was deliberately open-ended and required decision making with incomplete information.

Rallying the Troops: A Four-Step Guide to Preparing a Residency Program for Short-Term Weather Emergencies.

When managed effectively, emergencies may present an opportunity for professional growth and a sense of unity for those involved.

Space-enabled information environment for crisis management. Scenario-based analysis and evaluation in an operational environment

The key to success lays in understanding operational needs; integration into common information environment; and standardisation of information exchange.

Evaluating the effectiveness of an emergency preparedness training programme for public health staff in China.

The analysis was limited to staff who were primarily engaged in disease monitoring and control, and epidemiological investigations in the CDCIt was not possible to fully determine which changes were due to the emergency preparedness training programme and which were the result of other factors

Situation awareness and virtual globes: Applications for disaster management

Future work includes a formal comparison between virtual globe and non-virtual globe (such as a 2D map) environments of the implicit information visualization approach presented in this paper to establish strengths and weakness of both types of approaches. Such a comparison was not possible for the research presented in this paper due to time constraints posed by the limited availability of the UN evaluators whose feedback was deemed critical for evaluating the virtual globe aspects of the approach.A disadvantage of RSS is that a feed’s contents may not be representative of the entirety of a web site’s contents, thus providing only a partial view of available content. In the following section, a case study of disaster situations in the Sudan is presented to illustrate the CDA.

eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.