Top ten knowledge DB entries related to Methodological Lessons Learned are listed below.
The use of emergency operations centres in local government emergency management.

36 out of 73 organizations of New Zealand participated and 12 North American organizations [relatively small sample size]Instances of difference across questions in participants’ answers might be possible due to mis-readings or misinterpretations.

Crisis Management Dilemmas: Differences in Attitudes towards Reactive Crisis Communication Strategies among Future Business Professionals in Croatia

It is necessary to take into account that both groups of respondents who participated in this study do not have significant practical experience and that this test can serve as a roadmap for their further education and training in the field of crisis management.

A priority driven ABC approach to the emergency management of high energy pelvic trauma improves decision making in simulated patient scenarios.

Testing after 6 weeks of delivering the teaching is a short time period, the effect was significant. Our hope would be to demonstrate more long-term recall and change in clinical practice

Validity evidence of non-technical skills assessment instruments in simulated anaesthesia crisis management.

Although the use of simulation is beneficial in non-technical skills training25 , there is limited evidence for its role in assessment. Care should be taken with the scenario design, configuration of the simulation session and the assessment process.

The effect of a simulation-based training intervention on the performance of established critical care unit teams.

A larger sample size may have demonstrated a difference, but our study suggests that it is equally effective to use a mix of (case-based learning) CBL and (simulation-based learning) SBL.

Interprofessional non-technical skills for surgeons in disaster response: A qualitative study of the Australian perspective.

the sample size of this work was limited to 20 participants, restricting the ability to apply the findings to other settings.views of non-medical disaster personnel were not part of the participant group

REACT: A paraprofessional training program for first responders-A pilot study.

Variables of general self-efficacy, resilience, and attitudes and expectations were not reportableLack of statistical power limited the opportunity to report the impact of REACT training on the mentioned variables.

Crisis leadership in an acute clinical setting: christchurch hospital, new zealand ICU experience following the february 2011 earthquake.

The main limitation of this study was the ability to generalize its findings and practice implications outside of the study setting due to the small sample size and single location of the study.

Building health care system capacity to respond to disasters: successes and challenges of disaster preparedness health care coalitions.

Due to the small study sample size, these findings may not begeneralizable to all preparedness-focused HCCs.While participants were very forthcoming in their responses to the interview questions, response bias is often inherent in self-report interviews.

Development and evaluation of an offshore oil and gas Emergency Response Focus Board

It is difficult to identify precisely which attributes of human performance are related to slower reaction times or final selections made during decision making tasks.need to address real-world constraints that are likely to be experienced in an installation control room.a larger sample size may be necessary to identify further changes in performance.



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