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Guidance Tool (TGT) helps the Crisis Management practitioners to design, conduct and assess Trials. It implements the DRIVER+ Trial Guidance Methodology in such a way that they can easily carry out the specific procedures during the main Trial phases (Trial preparation, Trial execution, Trial evaluation) in line with the methodology.

The main focus of the TGT is on facilitating the Trial preparation by supporting the users in defining the Trial context, managing the Trial team, defining the relation of the Trial to strategic Crisis Management Gaps and implementing the iterative six-steps approach to design the Trial.



eu Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt.