Publication Findings
'G.A.T.E': Gap Analysis for TTX evaluation.

the Table Top Exercise (TTX) consists in a discussion-based one, composed of a tightened succession of numerous solicitations ('injects') addressed to the players by a Command and Operative Center (COC) [1, 2], aimed to test and evaluate plans, policies, and procedures (validation), to examine well-established procedures (testing), to highlight weaknesses and identify resource gaps (gap analysis), to improve individual and team performance, organizational communication and coordination, and to train personnel and clarify roles and responsibilities (training

25 Years of MCDA in nuclear emergency management.

Summary development of all phases of emergency management from the early phases in which a threat is detected to years and decades after the accident, 25 years after the Chernobly event with focus on decision making and public response. Referencing many different studies.

A 3-year Health Care Coalition Experience in Advancing Hospital Evacuation Preparedness.

- develop and evaluate a Health Care Coalition Hospital Evacuation Training and Exercise Plan

A container multimodal transportation scheduling approach based on immune affinity model for emergency relief

Focus on the demonstration of scheduling the optimal path for containermultimodal transport by the model defined, through a case inputting parameters to a multimodal transport network.

A continuous approximation approach for assessment routing in disaster relief

we focus on the assessment routing problem which routes teams to different communities to assess damage and relief needs following a disaster

A decision support system for debris-flow hazard mitigation in towns based on numerical simulation: a case study at Dongchuan, Yunnan Province.

Numerical simulation of debris flow movement includes hydrodynamic method and phenomenal modelling method

A dynamic decision support system based on geographical information and mobile social networks: A model for tsunami risk mitigation in Padang, Indonesia.

This paper outlines the design and development of a prototype geographical information system centric, social media based dynamic decision support system (GIS-SM-DDSS) that integrates geographical information with Twitter technology to enable selforganized information networks to support decision making and collective actions in emergency situations.

A dynamic model for disaster response considering prioritized demand points.

-develop a dynamic model to serve demand, while prioritizing the response, according to the level of urgency of demand points- an optimization model for planning the distribution of relief items in a planning horizon taking into consideration priority levels of the affected population

A general computational recognition primed decision model with multi-agent rescue simulation benchmark

Simulation (in RoboCup Rescue agent simulation environment) , to test the functionality and practical benefits of a novel approach (C-RPD).

A general methodology for data-based rule building and its application to natural disaster management

Presenting a new version of SEDD (Expert System for Disaster Diagnosis) which uses fuzzy logic. This SEDD is intended to be a web-available, low-cost, tailor-made solution that should fit specific NGO constraints such as ease of use, low computational and personnel requirements, and not relying on highly sophisticated and precise data.



eu Die Portfolio of Solutions Website wurde ursprünglich im Rahmen des DRIVER+ Projekts entwickelt. Heute wird das Service von der AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH. zum Nutzen des europäischen Krisenmanagements betrieben. PoS ist vom Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) sowie von den H2020-Projekten STAMINA und TeamAware befürwortet und unterstützt.