

Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions S. L. (HYDS, is a SME founded in 2006 as a spin-off initiative of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). HYDS' main motivation is the transfer of R&D into innovative operational solutions in the field hydrometeorology.

HYDS has a wide experience in designing, developing, maintaining and operating services and applications for providing hydrometeorological information and warning for different sectors, being the Cloud Services the principal business model of the company.

HYDS participated in the H2020 project ANYWHERE, where developed a platform to provide support to Crisis Management entities.

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Solutions by this user
eu Portfolio of Solutions web site has been initially developed in the scope of DRIVER+ project. Today, the service is managed by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH., for the benefit of the European Crisis Management. PoS is endorsed and supported by the Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) as well as by the STAMINA and TeamAware H2020 projects.