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Organisation type

EV-ILVO has been created by the Flemish Government as a legal entity with a corporate personality (Decree of the Flemish Government of 23 December 2005 (Belgian Official Journal of 30 December 2005). It is located in the vicinity of Ghent in Belgium and has currently 680 employees, including 320 researchers. Its mission consists of performing and coordinating policy-supporting scientific research and the associated public service in view of a sustainable agriculture, fishery and food production in an economic, ecological and social perspective.

Users from this organisation



eu Serwis internetowy Portfolio of Solutions został początkowo opracowany w ramach projektu DRIVER+. Obecnie serwis jest zarządzany przez AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, na rzecz Europejskiego Zarządzania Kryzysowego. PoS jest popierany i wspierany przez Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA), jak również przez projekty STAMINA i TeamAware H2020.