An emergency and crisis management professional since 2001. Portfolio's varying from setting up a response organisation, training of incident command teams, organising (simulation) exercises, large scale events, mass infectious outbreaks, response to terrorist attacks, critical infrastructure, casualty tracking system and pre/hospital response.
UCPT trained and experiences. I was also part of the EU Modular Field Hospital project as over all project manager, working for and with 8 countries, a university and DG ECHO (EU Commission).
Presently busy promoting EMApp. EMApp is a software app and platform for organisations that have people working 'in the field' and in need of a smart hassle-free tool for a more effective coordination, efficient communication and reporting. Aimed at organisations and agencies i.e. emergency services, first responders, incident commanders, event managers, logistic coordinators, business continuity managers, etc.
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4 anni 11 mesi
Il sito web Portfolio of Solutions è stato inizialmente sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto DRIVER+. Oggi, il servizio è gestito da AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, a beneficio della gestione europea delle . PoS è approvato e supportato dal Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) così come dai progetti STAMINA e TeamAware H2020. |